In the next few days, the transits of the Node, Pluto, Venus, Apollon, Saturn, Neptune, Chiron,and Mercury are stimulating sensitive areas in the Radical and Progressed Los Angeles chart. So let's take a look.
The transiting South Node is conjunct with the Uranus and square to the Moon opposition Neptune and Venus. This transit activates the t-square ruling the houses connected to these planets. Those houses are the AC angle, the 4th house, the 5th house, and the MC angle. Transiting Pluto also activates the t-square by an exact square to Neptune.
Transiting Venus is square to the IC/MC axis at 29 Libra activating the eclipse of July 2009 that eclipsed these same angles. Transiting Mercury will be stimulating the 29th degree of Sagittarius that activates the upcoming eclipse of December 21, 2010 and opposes the Progressed Uranus of the LA chart (not shown here). Transit Saturn is square to Mars at 17 Capricorn which was eclipsed in July of 2009. Transiting Neptune and Chiron are stimulating Mercury at 27 Leo by opposition. The Transiting Apollon is conjunct the South Node in the 1st amplyfing the affect of an event for the region.
The positions of Transiting Jupiter, Lilith, and Mars can been seen to be stimulating positions in the Progressed Chart below.
It's in the Progressed LA chart where we can see Transiting Lilith conjunct with the Progressed MC angle, Transiting Jupiter activating the Progressed Venus grand cross aspects along with the Transiting Pluto at 4 Capricorn on the DC angle. In fact, the Transiting Pluto, Node, Mercury, and Mars are all stimulating the Progressed grand cross aspects.
In addition, Transiting Mars will be square to Transiting and Uranus, a combo associated with sudden explosive/violent events.
With all this stimulation, the likelihood of a strong quake is significantly elevated. The possible times for a quake to occur are as follows:
When the Moon transits :
- The degrees of 12 Virgo conjunct the Radical Sun
- The eclipse degrees of 13-15 Virgo/Pisces,
- 16-18 Virgo conjunct with the Progressed IC angle onward to the eclipse degree of 18 Virgo,
- 23-24 Virgo in opposition of the Transiting Jupiter and Uranus and Progressed Mercury in the eclipse degree 24 Virgo
- When the Moon moves into the last 2 degrees of Virgo squaring the Progressed grand cross aspects of Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn that are straddling the Progressed AC/DC angles and also being stimulated by the Transiting Mercury, Mars, Node. and Pluto.*** ( ***the most likely as the Moon is also square to the upcoming eclipse)