January 1, 2014 is a Supermoon, a.k.a. a perigee (closer to Earth) New Moon, at 3:14 am in California. This is the first Supermoon of the month with a second occurring on January 30th. This will be the last double Supermoon month until 2018, and this January 1st features a cardinal cross of Pluto conjunct the New Moon at 11 Capricorn along with Mercury and square to Mars in 11-12 Libra and Uranus in 8 Aries, and Jupiter in 16 Cancer. This is a very powerful configuration and is and will play out on the world stage with increased violence, protests, storms, and of course seismic activity. In California, this New Moon has the potential to produce a sizable and powerfully destructive quake. The New Moon chart set for Los Angeles has an ascendant of 21 Scorpio, 21 Scorpio being the placement of the radical Jupiter in the LA chart which was eclipsed in November 2012 and now Saturn making a very close transit approach at 20 Scorpio. San Francisco has the Radical Node at 21 Leo with the transit Saturn moving into square. However is should be noted, the total Solar Eclipse of November 2012 was not visible in the USA nor was the eclipse angular in California.
Yet, there is the transiting node connection. The combined Transit South Node at 5 Scorpio making it's pass over the Progressed Sun of the LA chart at 4-5 Taurus ( involved in a progressed square with Radical LA Pluto at 4 Aquarius) and the Transiting Cardinal Cross coming into play amps up the danger. A cardinal cross configuration is featured in some of the most powerful quakes California has ever had-- the Owen's Valley quake of 1872 being one of them. A cardinal sign t-square is featured in the 1857 Ft. Tejon quake and in the 1700 9.0 Cascadian Basin quake. The Radical California chart has an Ascendant of 5 Scorpio which is currently being transited by the North Node and is an eclipse degree from April 2013 that was visible in Russia. Currently, Russia is dealing with two bombings as this degree is being stimulated.
Even though this eclipse was not visible in California it was angular on the IC in California, so it's my opinion this is a factor to be considered in evaluating seismic risk for California.
The window for seismic activity from this Supermoon is fairly large lasting weeks as the transiting node passes into 4 Scorpio and Saturn moves into 21 degrees Scorpio.
Now for the more positive news -- there are not a lot of exact progressions in cardinal degrees to activate in the charts of California, yet Radical Mars in the CA chart is being transited Mars and stimulated by the cardinal cross Supermoon with the transit node on the Radical AC, but not too much else.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Lunar Eclipse Transit Alert for the Week of October 27, 2013
Week of October 27 is a very active week in astrology and the transits for California pose a significant risk for seismic activity in the region. The recent lunar eclipse at 25 Aries hit exactly on San Francisco's Sun and the south node conjoined the DC angle of the chart of Los Angeles. Next week the transiting Sun will stimulate the eclipse of April 25, 2013 at 5-6 Scorpio hitting exactly on the AC angle of the California chart of 5 Scorpio. These areas of 25 Aries/Libra and 5-6 Scorpio/Taurus are sensitized to upcoming transits to those degrees. Starting Saturday night into Sunday, the transiting Sun comes to 3 degrees Scorpio hitting the AC angle in the Progressed San Francisco chart kicking off a week of significant transit stimulation to the chart. Then Monday, October 28th, it's the transit Sun activating the previous lunar eclipse at 5 Scorpio which touches several significant placements in the charts of California, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. The lunar eclipse from April 25, 2013 was angular in California and conjoined the IC angle which amps up the potential for weather related affects from transit stimulation. Two days later the transit Sun conjoins with the lunar node creating a "moon wobble" at 7 degrees Scorpio. Then on November 1st, it's another exact square between Uranus and Pluto at 9 degrees Aries/Capricorn only to be capped off on November 3rd by the total Solar Eclipse at 11 Scorpio. It's an extremely active time astrologically and time to take care! Be alert and think about what you would do to be prepared if such an event were to occur, but don't panic.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Lunar Eclipse of April 25, 2013 and California
The lunar eclipse of April 25, 2013 takes place at 12:57:10 pm in California at 5 degrees 46 minutes Scorpio conjoining the Rising degree on the California chart. It is a partial eclipse and not visible in California, but the eclipse conjoins the 4th house cusp set in Los Angeles and San Franciso . Saturn occupies the 4th house along with the north node in the eclipse chart. According to HS Green any conjunctions or oppositions from planets Mars outward to Pluto combined with the luminaries increases the chance of earthquakes. At the time of the lunar eclipse, Mars and Saturn are in opposition and in conjunction with the luminaries and the IC/MC axis. Mars rules the eclipse as the closest aspecting planet to the luminaries and is in the sign of its detriment, Taurus. According to Raphael, the first decanate of Scorpio lunar eclipse portends horrible thunderstorms, and perhaps an earthquake.
California is at considerable risk for a sizable quake with this eclipse eventhough it's not visible in the United States. Transiting Mars opposes the eclipse degree on the 27th of April at the same time the Moon is perigee (or closest approach to earth.) If a quake is to happen in Southern California, this would be a likely date when the Transiting Sun conjoins the Lunar Eclipse MC cusp at 7 Taurus and Transiting Mars opposes the eclipse degree. Take care and be prepared for whatever happens.
Monday, March 25, 2013
March 27, 2013 Transits
In a couple of days, the transits are potentially strong triggers for earthquakes. March 26-27, 2013 will have Transit Mars involved in a t-square formation with the Transiting Moon in Libra and Transiting Pluto in Capricorn at 11 degrees cardinal signs.
At the same time Transiting Jupiter will stimulate exactly the solar eclipse degree of 11 Gemini from the June 1, 2011 eclipse and the Transiting Sun will square the eclipse Pluto from that eclipse. A potential spot for seismic activity would be in California, Mexico, or Australia as those are the charts of places that took an eclipse hit to their chart during that solar eclipse.
At the same time Transiting Jupiter will stimulate exactly the solar eclipse degree of 11 Gemini from the June 1, 2011 eclipse and the Transiting Sun will square the eclipse Pluto from that eclipse. A potential spot for seismic activity would be in California, Mexico, or Australia as those are the charts of places that took an eclipse hit to their chart during that solar eclipse.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Is it that time?
It's coming up on a New Moon cycle February 10, 2013 and that time I mentioned in my October 2012 post about the Transiting Node hitting the eclipse degree of 21-22 Scorpio. The interesting part of this New Moon is it involves a Moon Wobble. The New Moon at 21 Aquarius squares the Transiting Node at 21 Scorpio in the solar eclipse degree from November 2012. Quakes are bound to tick up in activity during this time. It also has the potential to produce a sizable quake in California as the New Moon cojoins the Radix South Node of San Francisco at 21 Aquarius and squares the Radix Saturn of the Los Angeles Chart that was eclipsed back in November 2012. Transiting Jupiter is also on the lunar eclipse degree of 6 Gemini from November 2012 and will square the Transiting Mars at 5-6 Pisces.
The chart set for the New Moon in San Francisco on the night of February 9, 2013 looks like it shows potential for a quake since the New Moon takes place in the 4th house and squares the node ( moon wobble.) The same is true in Los Angeles,( though Venus is conjoined the 4th cusp at 9 degrees Aquarius.) The lunar eclipse of November 2012 was angular in both California cities and is stimulated by the Transiting Jupiter at 6 Gemini at the same time the Transiting Node is activating the solar eclipse at 21-22 Scorpio. There are other transits to Radix positions in both these charts, but the Moon Wobble, New Moon, and the eclipse stimulations stand out.
Though it's not a certainty by any means, the likelihood of seismic activity in California is elevated around this time plus or minus a few days around the new moon.
The chart set for the New Moon in San Francisco on the night of February 9, 2013 looks like it shows potential for a quake since the New Moon takes place in the 4th house and squares the node ( moon wobble.) The same is true in Los Angeles,( though Venus is conjoined the 4th cusp at 9 degrees Aquarius.) The lunar eclipse of November 2012 was angular in both California cities and is stimulated by the Transiting Jupiter at 6 Gemini at the same time the Transiting Node is activating the solar eclipse at 21-22 Scorpio. There are other transits to Radix positions in both these charts, but the Moon Wobble, New Moon, and the eclipse stimulations stand out.
Though it's not a certainty by any means, the likelihood of seismic activity in California is elevated around this time plus or minus a few days around the new moon.
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