With the advent of the rare cardinal climax soon to be upon us, I thought I would map out some times where we might see fairly significant quake activity in California. For those of you who don't know what the cardinal climax is, it is when the outer planets of Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, and Pluto meet up in a rare t-square formation along the early degrees of Aries, Libra, and Capricorn. These are rare aspects and the last time similar aspects were in the skies above us was during the Great Depression. A great many astrologers have written articles on this subject and of things we can expect to happen during this momentous time.
We live a time of great change and with great change come a lot of growing pains. Old ways of being will find their end to give birth to a new creative principle. It won't be easy, change never is, but that is the cost of growth and evolution. Planet Earth is constantly changing and we must learn to adapt. With that said, it is easier to accept change if we know what is coming so we can prepare ourselves.
The past 15 months, I have spent a great deal of time trying to work out a reliable model for predicting quake activity. I worked with several techniques, but found I got the most reliable results from using the progressed charts of California, San Francisco, and Los Angeles in conjunction with activation points triggering the progressed planetary aspects. It worked for every sizable quake I researched in California and around the world, including the recent quakes in Chile and Haiti. Therefore, when I starting looking at the charts for California late last year, I noticed this year would be more than likely be an active one.
Now, I have never really thought about myself as a gambler, but having lived with one for number of years has had its affect on me. I could merely say, there is a possibility of a quake in America this year to play it safe and not risk looking like a fool, but if there's one thing I've learned from my gambler mate is that you don't limp into the pot with a pair of aces playing hold'em. Raise it or throw your hand away! This is how I feel about earthquake prediction. I don't feel the public is served very well by offering vague or general earthquake warnings in order to get people prepared. It's too easy to say, " Yeah, yeah, I'll do it tomorrow". I know because I've been there. Inherently, we know we need to be prepared, but how many of us actually do it? Some might say, you have to be careful about making predictions because it can create a panic. Well, really, isn't not sharing information you have even worse? What if the national hurricane center kept all the information to themselves because they feared mass panic? So with this in mind and at great risk of looking like a fool, I offer some dates. I would rather put myself way out there and risk humiliation than to have not said anything at all. I certainly don't want to see California injured by a devastating earthquake, but it's not anything anyone on the planet has control over. I am reporting what I see to you. What you do with the information is up to you.
Dates for Quake Activity in California
April 26*** Saturn and Uranus are in exact opposition on this day and the transits to progressed aspects are within activation orb.
April 27
April 28** full moon
May 18
May 19***transits to progressed aspects are at activation points, could see a 5.0+
July 7**** key date I have previously pointed out for a strong quake
July 8****key date I have previously pointed out for a strong quake
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
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