Here's an update on the current transit of Pluto as it makes contact with the Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011.
Pluto is now transiting opposite the Radical San Andreas Fault Mercury at 9 Cancer which was eclipsed July 1 2011. Looking at the Radical chart of the San Andreas Fault for the date of the Moon Wobble, there are some troubling transits that could indicate some activity. Most important is the stimulation of Transiting Pluto to the eclipsed Radical Mercury from the 4th house. The Traniting Sun is forming a trine to the Radical Sun but involved in a Moon Wobble ( Sun squaring the Node) well noted for producing geophysical effects on the planet. Transiting Mars is conjunct the Radical South Node at 15 Virgo indicating trouble and sextile to Radical Jupiter which could magnify any problem. The Transiting Moonat 16 Taurus is opposite the Radical Uranus while Transiting Venus, the Radical Chart Ruler, is opposite the Radical Moon (??? for a noon chart), yet more indication of stress since the Moon and Venus rule the AC and MC angles in this chart.
In the Progressed San Andreas chart, Transiting Pluto is nearing the Progressed AC at 10 Capricorn. The Progressed Node sits at 11 Pisces with the Transiting Sun coming to hit this point in a few days from the Moon Wobble and squaring the Radical Pluto that was eclipsed June 1, 2011. So the time period for an event could be anywhere from a couple of days on either side of the Moon Wobble taking place on February 28th.
In addition, the chart of Japan will be hit by the Moon Wobble effect as the Transiting Sun comes to the Progressed AC of 10 Pisces while the Transiting Pluto conjoins the Progressed Chrion at 9 Capricorn in square to the Radical Uranus at 9 Libra. However, the Transiting Node makes no exact contacts in either chart, so any activity will probably not be on the scale of previous seismic activity from 2011.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
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