Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Dates for Quake Activity in California of 4.0+
We live a time of great change and with great change come a lot of growing pains. Old ways of being will find their end to give birth to a new creative principle. It won't be easy, change never is, but that is the cost of growth and evolution. Planet Earth is constantly changing and we must learn to adapt. With that said, it is easier to accept change if we know what is coming so we can prepare ourselves.
The past 15 months, I have spent a great deal of time trying to work out a reliable model for predicting quake activity. I worked with several techniques, but found I got the most reliable results from using the progressed charts of California, San Francisco, and Los Angeles in conjunction with activation points triggering the progressed planetary aspects. It worked for every sizable quake I researched in California and around the world, including the recent quakes in Chile and Haiti. Therefore, when I starting looking at the charts for California late last year, I noticed this year would be more than likely be an active one.
Now, I have never really thought about myself as a gambler, but having lived with one for number of years has had its affect on me. I could merely say, there is a possibility of a quake in America this year to play it safe and not risk looking like a fool, but if there's one thing I've learned from my gambler mate is that you don't limp into the pot with a pair of aces playing hold'em. Raise it or throw your hand away! This is how I feel about earthquake prediction. I don't feel the public is served very well by offering vague or general earthquake warnings in order to get people prepared. It's too easy to say, " Yeah, yeah, I'll do it tomorrow". I know because I've been there. Inherently, we know we need to be prepared, but how many of us actually do it? Some might say, you have to be careful about making predictions because it can create a panic. Well, really, isn't not sharing information you have even worse? What if the national hurricane center kept all the information to themselves because they feared mass panic? So with this in mind and at great risk of looking like a fool, I offer some dates. I would rather put myself way out there and risk humiliation than to have not said anything at all. I certainly don't want to see California injured by a devastating earthquake, but it's not anything anyone on the planet has control over. I am reporting what I see to you. What you do with the information is up to you.
Dates for Quake Activity in California
April 26*** Saturn and Uranus are in exact opposition on this day and the transits to progressed aspects are within activation orb.
April 27
April 28** full moon
May 18
May 19***transits to progressed aspects are at activation points, could see a 5.0+
July 7**** key date I have previously pointed out for a strong quake
July 8****key date I have previously pointed out for a strong quake
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Anatomy of an Earthquake
The purpose of studying history is to be able to learn from it, otherwise we end up repeating those same lessons thus causing needless suffering. In reviewing historic events, it's vitality important to play attention to the signals. In astrology, that means looking at charts so we will be better able to forecast events that affect humanity. That, I believe, is the role of astrology and astrologers in society. Astrology cannot tell you how the universe was formed that is the goal of astrophysics; but astrology's aim is to help us understand the effects the universe has on us here on planet earth.
Quake: Coalinga May 2, 1983
Magnitude: 6.3
Cost: 94 injured, $10,000,000 in property damages
Click here: California Earthquake Map Collection | Geology.com
Here we have the quake chart of Coalinga. The actual aspects of this chart don't look to be all that bad with the exception of Pluto and Saturn in conjunction in the 1st square to the Moon in the 4th. The only other adverse aspect is Neptune in the 3rd opposed to Venus in the 9th. It doesn't tell why the quake occurred at this particular point in time which is the purpose of this article. We want to know why at this moment! It is something can only be gleaned from looking at it in comparison to the California chart progressed to the date of the quake.
The details for the California chart are: San Jose; September 9, 1850; 9:41 am.
All progressed planetary positions that are eclipsed become very sensitive to upcoming transits just as natal positions do. Bill Meridian states in his book, The Power of Eclipse Paths, that progressed planetary positions are likely to be even more sensitive than natal positions. This makes sense considering the progressed chart shows just where we are at in the cycle of existence. Nothing ever stays the same--we grow, we change, as the planets move along and it's reflected in our charts. This is true for nations, states, and cities as well.
Looking at the chart yields a quite number of tranisting planets activating eclipses of previous years:
Pluto: July 20, 1982 SE 2NN
Saturn: October 23, 1976 SE 15 N
Uranus: February 26, 1979 SE 17S
Jupiter: February 26, 1979 SE 17S
Vertex: April 4, 1977 LE 15S
Chiron: November 18, 1975 14N
Black Moon Lilith: January 25, 1982 SE 1S
These transiting positions are key to knowing why the quake happened on this date. When the transiting planets hit these very sensitive activation points AND come into contact with the progressed planetary aspects in the California chart, it sets things in motion. In this case, we've got transiting Pluto and Saturn conjunct Fortuna, square to the progressed Sun (having been eclipsed opposite on July 20, 1982 SE), and transiting Black Moon Lilith conjunct with progressed Mercury opposite the Node (eclipsed on January 25, 1982).
Not to be forgotten, we have the transiting Venus coming into square with progressed ascendant and the yet to be in May of 1983 eclipse of June 11th opposite the progressed Venus and Chiron. Transiting Chiron is conjunct the malefic fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus and the eclipse of November 18, 1975. Transiting Mars is conjunct with the eclipse of May 1975. The transiting Sun is trine to the 18S eclipse of March 1, 1980 that deals with endings and separations according to Bernadette Brady. It's a picture of a chart set to explode.
However, there is more to it than that. For a quake to happen in California there MUST be an affliction to the 4th house by transits. This is fulfilled by the transiting Node at 25 Gemini (conjunct within a 2 degree maximum allowable orb of the December 15, 1982 SE) in opposition to transiting Neptune at 28 Sagittarius squaring the progressed Vertex.
The last step involves the transiting Moon. This is where we find the answer to indicate the time. The progressed aspects can all be in positions of activation, with an afflicted 4th house and ascendant ruler, but a quake won't be set off UNTIL the transiting Moon hits a critical spot. The Moon is the all important timer to set things off! In this case, the transiting Moon was coming into a less than 1 degree orb opposition with the lunar eclipse of January 9, 1982 taking place at 19 Cancer 14. I have found in my research, the Moon is most often within less than a 1 degree orb of an activation point when a quake hits and quite often it is transiting a lunar eclipse.
Predicting quakes and their locations is an involved process. It requires time, data, working with various charts, rectification, eclipses, lunations, and a desire to solve mysteries. It is possible to do, I believe, but in the famous words of my art teacher from design school said, "You must train your eyes to see". She's right, you know:)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Part III of Quake Potential in California
The dates I believe show the greatest potential for a major quake to hit California are:
July 6, 2010
July 7, 2010
July 8, 2010
July 9, 2010
The likely areas for a quake to hit during this time period are: Palmdale, Wrightwood southward Riverside County , and northward towards Fraizer Park and Bakersfield.
It is during this time period all transiting planetary positions will be activating eclipse points thus setting off the progressed aspects in the Los Angeles and California charts. However, it will be the transiting Moon that sets things in motion. The range of dates given incorporate a few scenarios. On July 7, 2010, it is quite likely an earthquake will be set off by the Moon transiting to the ascending degree to June's New Moon chart set for Los Angeles at 27 Taurus and will be conjunct the malefic influence of fixed star Algol. This would take place in the evening hours of July 7, 2010. It could also happen earlier as the moon transits 8-9 Taurus squaring the eclipse degree of 9 Leo and the progressed LA pluto at 8 Aquarius which would happen in the morning hours of July 6, 2010.
The other scenario I am suggesting involves the transiting Moon coming into contact with the progressed Mars in the LA chart between the degrees of 9-11 Gemini. This occurs on July 8, 2010 in the late afternoon to evening hours.
Please note, this is my best estimation. I cannot exclude that this potential quake forecast may happen earlier starting from the date of the lunar eclipse on June 26, 2010, as there are many activation points, but July 7th, July 8th, and July 9th are when the aspects are the closest and the transiting Mars will conjunct the 4th house cusp in the progressed LA chart.
Last year I contacted Luke Thomas at http://www.quakeprediction.com/. I found his charts to be helpful in my testing of various forecasting techniques. He uses frictional heating charts as an indicator to pinpoint areas where a quake is likely to occur. As the date nears this summer, I will be watching to see what areas he maps out as a high risk zone.
Just over a week ago, I received Bill Meridian's excellent book on The Predictive Power of Eclipse Paths. In his book, he sights many examples of historic events related to the activation of previous eclipses. While I have seen this as well in my research, it was his book that gave me the clue for using more eclipses, several years past, than I had been using. He noted in his book it took him 28 years to finally publish this work and I'm so glad he did.
Click here: Bill Meridian's Cycle Research
In my next posting, I'll take you through the anatomy of an earthquake in California to illustrate my theoretical model.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Part II of California's Quake Potential in Summer 2010
LA's radical chart has 26 Libra rising, with 29 Cancer/Capricorn on the MC/IC axis. The date set for this chart is September 4, 1781, 9:11 am.
Since 2008, this chart has had the follow eclipses:
Pluto eclipsed Jan 26, 2009 SE, 11N
MC eclipsed July 22, 2009 SE, 11S
Mars eclipsed July 7, 2009 LE, 11S
***Uranus to be eclipsed on June 26, 2010
***Lilith to be eclipsed on July 11, 2010
The lunar eclipse of June 26, 2010 takes place exactly on the progressed DC of the LA chart sensitizing this axis. What is striking about this progressed chart is the grand cross configuration of outer planets across the AC/DC axis and 4th and 10th houses. Uranus at 29 Gemini is in the 12th house conjunct the AC, opposite to the conjunction of Saturn at 1 Capricorn and Jupiter at 29 Sagittarius in the 6th conjoined the DC. They are also square to Mercury at 5 Aries in the 10th opposite to Neptune at 6 Libra in the 4th. At the time of the eclipse the AC/DC axis will be activated having landed directly on top of it just as the MC/IC axis of the radical LA chart was last summer by the SE of July 22, 2009. So there is the potential for a major event to occur this summer in LA with this angular sensitivity from transit activation.
Since Mars, Pluto, and the angles were eclipsed I look to their transits and placements to see when something might occur. At this point, it is of vital importance to note all previous sensitive eclipse points in the last several years especially when looking at the transits of the outer planets to these points.
Dec 31, 2009 10 Cancer, LE 12 N
Jan 15, 2010 25 Capricorn, SE 12N
Aug 16, 2009, 13 Leo, LE, 11 S
*July 22, 2009, 29 Cancer, SE, 11 S
#*July 7, 2009, 15 Capricorn, LE, 11S
#Feb 9, 2009, 21 Leo, LE 11N
*Jan 26, 2009, 6 Aquarius, SE 11 N
Aug 16, 2008, 24 Aquarius, LE 10S
Aug 1, 2008, 9 Leo, SE 10s
#Feb 21, 2008, 1 Virgo, LE 10N
Feb 7, 2008, 17 Aquarius, SE 10N
Aug 28, 2007, 5 Pisces, LE 9S
Sept 11, 2007, 18 Virgo, SE 9S
*Mar 3, 2007, 13 Virgo, LE 9N
March 19, 2007, 28 Pisces, SE 9N
Sept 7, 2006, 15 Pisces, LE 8S
Sept 22, 2006, 29 Virgo, SE 8S
(# eclipses with visibility in CA)
(* eclipses related to the LA chart)
With this in mind, we have many upcoming transit activations. The most powerful activations are made by the outer planets. During this eclipse season of 2010, we will have Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn transiting the eclipses in Virgo and Pisces. These particular eclipses, according to Bernadette Brady, are part of the 8S, and 9N saros series. The eclipse at 28 Pisces is a part of saros series 9N. She writes in her book that Series 9 N, is a very physically expressive saros series. Sudden physical and violent events can occur with this series. Indeed, it is important saros series for CA as a number of California's quakes have responded to it including the Sylmar and Loma Prieta quakes.
Keeping our eye on the following transits shows the entire chart very active.
-Transiting Mars will be close to the progressed 4th house cusp at 16 Virgo in early July; comes into conjunction with the radical LA Sun on June 29 at 12 Virgo; within orb of the Virgo 13 eclipse point, and square to the radical Saturn at 13 Sagittarius.
-Transiting South Node will be within orb ( 1 degree) of the eclipse point of 10 Cancer. May it also be noted the transiting node will be stationary at this time. The nodes, according to vedic astrology, are thought to be of malefic influence and always cause problems. They are intensified when stationary and are crucial to studying earthquakes. In studying quakes, I find them activating eclipse points and in affliction with a planet of the nation or city's chart at the time of the quake. The radical SN of the LA chart is sitting on the AC at 26 Libra so when this angle is activated, it's important!
-Transiting Sun will be hitting several points at 10 Cancer and 15 Cancer opposite the eclipse of last July 7th and squaring the IC.
-Transiting Mercury will be in the same vicinity as the Sun.
-Transiting Venus will be hitting the SE activation point of 17 Aquarius squaring progressed black moon Lilith and coming around to the 21 Leo eclipse point.
-Transiting Saturn will be activating the 9N saros series from the 4th house at 28 Virgo squaring progressed Uranus at 29 Gemini and progressed Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 28 Sagittarius and 1 Capricorn. It will also oppose progressed Venus at 24 Pisces. It will also oppose fixed star Scheat at 29 Pisces reputed to cause extreme misfortune.
.-Transiting Uranus will be at the critical Aries point degree signifying an event taking center stage and a rushing out of dynamic energy as described by Celeste Teal in her book Eclipses. It will also be conjunct with fixed star Scheat.
-Transiting Neptune will be opposite the radical Mercury of LA and is in conjunction with Chiron and Lilith activating the eclipse of 1 Virgo.
-Transiting Pluto will be conjunct with the progressed DC and heavily involved in the grand cross aspects. The Progressed Pluto sits at 8 Aquarius in opposition to the progressed Moon at 9 Leo and square to progressed Chiron during this time. In a previous posting, I noted in the New Moon chart for June 2010 relocated to LA has the progressed Pluto sitting on the MC of this chart. So we've got Pluto involved with the angles in both the New Moon chart, the progressed LA chart, and the June 26, 2010 chart.
All the ingredients in cooking up an event are there--
4th house activation, angles involved, transits to eclipses points, the saros series, node activation, a notorious fixed star, and progressed chart AC ruler affliction.
The LA chart is lit up like a Christmas tree on steroids this eclipse season. So the burning question is -- what may come to pass and at what date? I'll have to save that for another posting.
Monday, March 15, 2010
California's Quake Potential in Summer 2010
Some 15 months ago, I started researching quakes in California after I noticed the natal Pluto position of the LA chart in Celeste Teal's book on Eclipses. The LA radical Pluto was to be eclipsed on January 26, 2009 when I began reading. Pluto in the LA chart sits at 4 degrees Aquarius in the 4th house. The 4th house in mundane astrology governs over land, crops, real estate, etc. Radical Pluto in this house in a mundane chart gives it special meaning knowing California's propensity towards earth movements and the transforming and potentially destructive force of this planet. Since then, I've kept an ever watchful eye on this chart along with the California, and San Francisco charts. After researching many historic quakes in California and the world, ( examples: Owen's Valley, Bam quake, Kobe, etc.) I sent my research findings to Ms. Teal to urge her to put an article on her website about things I discovered. Thankfully, after checking my data herself, she did.
In addition to using lunations, ingresses, and eclipses, I have found the most telling story of an earthquake comes from looking at the progressed chart. I spent all of 2009 testing out various predictive system including secondary progressions, tertiary progressions, and solar arc theory to see what are the most important variables involved a setting off an earthquake.
The ingredients:
1. Radical and/or progressed planets and angles eclipsed
2. Transit activation to previous eclipse points
3. Progressed 4th house involvement of the city, state, or nation's chart
4. Progressed ascendant ruler in affliction in the chart
5. Lunations in the national USA chart that show 4th house affliction trouble
6. Saros series
7. For California, more earthquakes are triggered by LUNAR eclipses than solar eclipses. Why should this be so? If we look at the mundane chart for the USA ( 7 to 8 Gemini rising chart, even the Sibly chart works too), the USA has a Cancer Sun, ruled by the Moon in Aquarius which makes any changes affecting the reflected light of the lunar landscape here on earth (eclipses) more important and thus more sensitive to these events. It's as if someone turned off the lights to the USA for a period of time. The moon's depositor is the 'awakener' planet Uranus. Uranus isn't a planet that likes to play by the rules, it's individualistic, original, and shocking. In mundane astrology when Uranus is seriously afflicted it can create a lot havoc such as riots, rebellions, explosions, and the like. It is a fact that people act a bit crazier on the nights of full moons. Hospitals and police departments report more incidents during this time. The moon governs the 4th house in astrology that relates to the masses of people, land, houses, and also is reported to represent the opposition party in governmental matters.
8. Fixed stars
So let's discuss what's up this summer in Los Angeles. Bear with me, this is a lot like piecing together a puzzle when you don't have a visual representation of finished product, nor can you be sure you have all the pieces, but it's the challenge of trying to solve a mystery that intrigues and drives me forward to speculate on what could happen.
First, we have the Cancer Ingress for LA with 11 Gemini on the Asc with the Sun located in the 1st house. The Cancer Ingress chart features a grand cross formation involving the Sun, Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus in the early Cardinal degrees. Leo 21 is on the IC ( 4th house) in this chart set for Los Angeles. This exact point of 21 Leo was eclipsed February 9, 2009, lunar eclipse, Saros Series 11 north, thus it is a sensitize point for upcoming transits over the summer. It is also the same sign and degree as the node in the San Francisco chart. Note: (The IC/MC Axis is highlighted in the LA chart as the solar eclipse of last summer, July 21, 2009, hit right on the MC at 29 Cancer.)
The Sun, ruler over the 4th house, involved in the grand cross formation does not bode well for matters related to weather, land, or real estate. Furthermore, Mars is located in the 4th house in affliction to the conjunction of Neptune, black moon Lilith ( the shadow), and Chiron (wounding) in the 10th house. Mars in affliction in this house is very unfortunate. It spells trouble for the government, and adversely affects the property markets but especially denotes potential disasters such as fires and earthquakes. The radical Mars of the LA chart was eclipsed within a 2 degree orb last summer of July 7, 2009, so the transiting Mars becomes important to watch as it moves in the progressed and radical chart of LA. The Vertex, thought of as a meeting point of fate, is sitting at 5 Scorpio which also happens to be the rising sign and degree for the radical California chart. I have found it useful to use the vertex in looking at these charts to glean any information for what might come in the future. Usually reading the Sabian Symbol for this degree is quite helpful. Linda Hill's book description is "A gold rush tears people away from their native soil" and seems to be a very apt description for the chart of California.
Next, I would like to turn attention toward the New Moon chart of June 2010 set for Washington DC to see what clues can be found indicating trouble 4th house matters. The chart for this New Moon at 7:15am EDT, has the South Node rising at at 11 Cancer in conjunction with the radical Sun of the USA chart. The New Moon takes place in the 12th house at 21 Gemini exactly square to the IC at 21 Virgo, conjunct with the fixed star Denebola. Denebola has a reputation, according to Ptolemy, of causing despair, regrets, and misfortune from the elements of nature in mundane astrology. The New Moon is the focal point involved in a t-square formation with Uranus and Jupiter at 0 Aries, a critical degree, in the 10th house opposed by Saturn in the 4th at 27 Libra. The 12th house governs matters related to reformatory institutions such as prisons, hospitals, monastaries, and all things consider hidden, i.e. underground movements, and secret enemies. Mercury rules the 12th and 4th houses of this chart located in 11th and within a 3 degree conjunction of the 12th house cusp. Mercury is the focal planet involved in a t-square between Mars in Virgo opposite the conjunction of Neptune, black moon Lilith ( the shadow), and Chiron (wounding) in Aquarius. The afflictions taking place with the outer planets hold special significance throughout history and augers times of discontent among the people, disasters, wars, rebellions, and deep financial difficulties. Having Saturn posited in the 4th house poorly aspected is most unfortunate for the masses of people, land, property, and can be an indicator of earthquakes, and the falling of buildings. Also, Saturn, being in opposition to the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter at the Aries point degree is especially difficult indicating troubles and disasters besetting the government. According to H.S. Green, Saturn also signifies the land, landowners, and buildings underscoring the already highlighted 4th house difficulties. All in all, this chart spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E ahead for the country.
Relocating the New Moon chart to Los Angeles, yields a 27 Taurean Ascendant conjunct with fixed star Algol. Algol is consider the most evil star in the heavens with a notorious reputation for causing misfortune and violence. However, it is the IC/MC axis at Leo/Aquarius 8 that is most striking. The progressed Pluto of the LA chart is at 8 Aquarius! Here, Pluto is in the 8th house at 4 Capricorn involved in the t-square between the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter in the 11th, and Saturn in the 5th. Considering LA is the capital of the movie industry, having Saturn in affliction posited in this house is not good for the movie industry. However, it is postively aspected by Venus in the 3rd at 27 Cancer ruling the 1st and 6th houses, so there is something good that may come out of this New Moon. The Sabian symbol for this degree as described by Linda Hill's book states, "An Indian girl introduces her college boyfriend to her assembled tribe". What this could possibly signify -should there be a disaster- are people banning together to offer assistance on a day by day basis. Venus is the forms the closest aspect in this chart other than the conjunction between Uranus and Jupiter. Jupiter is ruling the 8th house in this chart, in trine to Venus could bring money in the form of aid relief, but poorly aspected otherwise to the outer planets could mean heavy debts, and a number of deaths. The New Moon takes place in the 1st house, under heavy affliction, and rules the 4th (a fixed sign) underscoring more problems related to land, the people, the government, and property interests. The Vertex lives in the 6th house at 27 Libra. Again, reading Ms. Hill's Sabian symbol for this degree, " A man alone is deep gloom, unnoticed, angels are coming to his aid" speaks volumes if it is to be a meeting with fate. The keywords she gives for this symbol are: help in times of need, salvation vs. depression, helpers arriving just when they are needed on the positive side; and misery, gloom, doom, losing faith in things getting better, and feeling like no one cares or is listening on the not so positive side. Having the vertex sitting in the 6th house governing over helpers, workers, and the armed and civil services with this Sabian symbol degree paints a pretty realistic picture of what occurs when disaster strikes. So far, the picture for this lunation period is not looking so bright. I would like to continue on, but this posting is getting very long so I will end it here for now to continue the story of the upcoming eclipses in my next posting.