For Los Angeles, the potential rises as the Transiting Moon approaches the Progressed Vertex at 20 Scorpio which happens on April 29th.
Yet, it is in the later part of this time period that pose more of a danger to California as the Transiting Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, and Mars move into a t-square formation affecting the Radical California chart involving the nodal degree across the angles of the chart.
Dates to Watch: May 3rd, May 4th and May 5th!
The Transiting Moon will conjunct the Transiting Node on May 3rd at 13 Capricorn in trine to the Transiting Sun and squares the progressed Vertex ,Radical Mercury, and Radical Mars of the California chart in the early morning hours. The Transiting Mercury will be opposite the Radical AC. The Transiting Sun is also square to Transiting Mars conjunct the Radical Node and opposite the activation point of the lunar eclipse of August 2009 at 13-14 Aquarius. The Moon then continues on to transit the eclipse degree of 15 Capricorn, the Radical LA Mars at 17 Capricorn, and the Progressed MC of the California chart at 19 Capricorn (opposite the upcoming Solar eclipse degree at 19 Cancer) throughout the day. At 4:30 pm PDT, Mars will exactly oppose the eclipse of August 2009 at 13degrees, 44 minutes Leo and the Transiting Moon will hit the Progressed MC and square the Radical Saturn of the CA chart.
May 4, 2010
The Transiting Sun will be square the Node beginning on May 4th. The afternoon/evening hours of May 5th the Moon will move into conjunction with the Radical South Node and square the Transiting Sun. The Transiting Mercury will oppose the Radical Moon across the AC/DC axis and the Transiting Venus will be coming into a square with the Radical Sun and forming a trine to Radical Mercury.
The outer planets at this time will still be in a t-square formation in the later degrees of Virgo-Pisces activating the eclipses of 9NN and 8S. What is different at this time is the Transiting Mars, the Transiting Sun, and the Transiting Moon will hit the activation points of the 11S Saros eclipse. According to Bernadette Brady, the 11S Saros Series deals with sudden reforms and any blocks that stand in the way, could be violently removed.
The very greatest danger posed to Southern California ( Los Angeles region) is on May 4, 2010 from the early morning hours when the Transiting Sun and Transiting Mars will be square and activating the lunar eclipse of August 6, 2009 which was visible in California. Transiting Venus will conjunct the progressed Mars at 10-11 Gemini. The Moon will be transiting the solar eclipse of January 15, 2010 at 25 Capricorn and the solar eclipse of July 22, 2009 at 29 Cancer that took place directly on the Radical MC angle of the Los Angeles Chart. The Radical AC and Node of the LA chart is at 26 Libra square to the Transiting Moon as well during the morning hours on May 4th. The Moon will continue onward from that time to transit the Radical 4th house Pluto at 4 Aquarius and the Progressed Pluto at 8 Aquarius in the early morning hours of May 5th. The Moon moves onward to transit the activation points of 13-15 Aquarius (eclipse of August 2009 and square to the lunar eclipse of 15 Pisces, Saros 8S indicating separation and loss.
As for the outer planets, there are several activation points: Transiting Uranus (conjunct with fixed star Scheat at Pisces 29) will be exactly square to the Progressed Uranus at 29 Gemini in the LA Chart. Transiting Saturn will be square to the Progressed LA Jupiter at 28 Sagittarius. Both of these transits activate the eclipses in Virgo, Saros Series 8S, dealing with separation and loss, and 9NN- the physically active Saros Series according to Ms. Brady. This time period is very dangerous for Southern California!
There are quite a number of activation points to eclipses in late Capricorn and Aquarius that it's difficult to give an exact time for the Moon's transit to set off an earthquake but the activation of the eclipse degrees of Capricorn 25 through 29
are a good place to start. Let it be noted the Radical LA nodeand AC/DC axis sits at 26 Libra, square to these eclipse points in Capricorn thus increases the emphasis on the Moon transit to these points.
So, California is still on quake watch.
The San Francisco chart is also active at this time.
Transiting Saturn will conjunct the Progressed Sun at 29 Virgo. The Transiting Sun will square the Progressed Node in the 10th house conjunct with Transiting Mars and will oppose the Progressed Venus at 15 Scorpio . The Transiting Venus conjuncts the Progressed Vertex at 11 Gemini. The Transiting Node exactly squares the Progressed Moon at 13 Aries. Transiting Mercury will be square to the Progressed angles. This is another dangerous setup.
One of the more interesting charts I am working with, although I haven't verified the angles because the data is not available, is the chart of the San Andreas Fault. After contacting several agencies, I constructed this chart based on the publication of Andrew Lawson's work in the USGS of 1895.
I set the time for this chart at 12 noon on June 30, 1894--the date of the Annual Report of the USGS for the year 1895. Having progressed this chart to May 4. 2010 we can see the Progressed Uranus is sitting directly opposite the Transiting Sun and square to Transiting Mars.

The Transiting Pluto is opposite the Progressed Jupiter and Transiting Venus is conjunct the Progressed Pluto in this chart. The Transiting Mercury is square to the Progressed Lilith. In addition to these, the Transiting Moon will be square to the Progressed Saturn. I cannot reliably use the angles in this chart since the time is unknown but the outer planet positions don't move that much so the transits to these positions are noted. There is potential there for the San Andreas fault to be active during this time. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say the part of the fault most likely to be active would be the section from the Cajon Pass area to Frazier Park.
The danger for a major quake in California is increasing rather than decreasing since the Baja 7.2 quake. From now into the summer, Californians should take care, be alert, and do the best to prepare for any emergency. Above all, don't panic, spend the time to getting oraganized and prepared.
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