Today I would like to focus on the chart for Los Angeles as the lunar eclipse happening tomorrow, June 26, 2010 affects the Progressed chart. So let's take a look, shall we? The lunar eclipse takes place 4:30 am PDT at 4 Capricorn, the exact degree of the Progressed DC of the LA chart highlighting the angle and it's conjoined with Pluto. As of this point in time, it is unclear whether the effects of this eclipse will pertain to 7th house matters, (i.e. relations with others, open enemies) as it is the Progressed and not the Radical angle of LA, but the eclipse does occur in an earth sign pertaining to matters of the earth such as mining, agriculture, and of course earthquakes. It does not help that the eclipse is conjoined with Pluto at 4 Capricorn. Capricorn is also the sign that represents authority and the establishment and is ruled by Saturn which happens to be transiting an eclipse degree at 28 Virgo, adversely aspecting the Progressed Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune, and Saturn of this chart. So not only are the planet positions of the eclipse in a grand cross, the Progressed Chart of LA mimics them and is due to be set off by the eclipse when the timing is right. This is a potentially very dangerous set up because the angles of the chart are activated.
Last year, the solar eclipse of July 21, 2009 at 29 Cancer, eclipsed the Radical MC of the LA chart exact. It was during the summer of 2009 the state of California was in the middle of a severe budget crisis with no agreement of how to solve state's woes. Eventually, a deal was reached and the IOU vouchers many of the states employees received were finally redeemed but not without a lot sacrifices. It was also during this time, Los Angeles went through a period of nonstop water main breaks throughout the city.

In the Progressed LA chart, the 4th house cusp at 16 Virgo has transiting Mars approaching and will hit it in the time between the two eclipses. Remember, the Radical Mars of the LA chart was eclipsed last summer so the transits of this planet become even more important. June 26th, Transiting Mars at 10 Virgo squares the Radical Vertex at 10 Gemini and the Progressed Mars. June 29th Transiting Mars makes exact contact with the Radical Sun eclipsed back in March of 2007 (belonging to Saros 9NN according to B. Brady, the physically expressive series) and still active on June 29th. Then Mars reaches the exact degree of the eclipse 2 days later at 13Virgo squaring Radical Saturn exact before it reaches the Progressed 4th cusp. Mars can be a real trouble maker especially in the 4th house. H.S. Green states it does little good in this house, bad for weather related events, the common people, and the government can get shaken up. This is the planet to watch!
There could be trouble as soon as the date of the lunar eclipse but it's my opinion if a quake is to occur it will be a few days later when nearly all the planets line up in eclipse degrees and the Comet McNaught 2009 r1 reaches perihelion projected to be on July 2, 2010. The beginning of July has Transiting Mars conjunct with the Radical LA Sun close to the eclipse degree of 13 Virgo; Saturn opposite the eclipse degree of 28 Pisces (a very difficult solar eclipse as described in Celeste Teal's book, Eclipses, associated with fires, explosions, earthquakes, and many difficulties); Venus transiting an eclipse degree at 21 Leo; Sun transiting an eclipse degree at 10 Cancer, Mercury transiting an eclipse degree at 15 Capricorn, Transiting Jupiter squaring the Radical eclipsed Uranus; Transiting Uranus at the Aries point degree, a dynamic point associated with a great out rushing of energy; Transiting Neptune opposite Radical Mercury; Transiting Transiting Pluto on the eclipse degree conjunct with the Progressed DC and in a grand cross to Radical Neptune, Venus, Moon, and Uranus in early cardinal signs. Last, but certainly not least, is the Transiting Nodes at 11 Capricorn/Cancer within orb of the eclipse degree at 10 Cancer.
The Nodes' position is of vital importance when examining/studying earthquakes. In every case of every major quake in the world, the Nodes' position is within a 2 to 3 degree orb of an important chart placement ( planet, angle, point), near an eclipse degree by square, opposition, or conjunction. The Easter earthquake in Baja California had the Nodes transiting within orb the eclipse degree of 15 Capricorn, square to the Transiting Sun (a moon wobble) and the Progressed LA node at 16 Aries. Here's a link to an excellent article by Rob Tillet on this phenomenon During this eclipse season, Transiting Mercury will square the Progressed LA Node with the Transiting Sun about a week later. The Transiting Nodes also square the Progressed Fortuna at 11 Libra posited in the 4th house.

The Los Angeles chart is the most active it has been in years. Whatever comes to pass, changes are coming. Take care and I urge all to be prepared just in case there should be a quake.
Some important days to watch and prepare for are:
the eclipse of course
Using the Moon as a timer---
July 29, 2010 early morning hours as the Moon transits the activation points of 4-10 Aquarius, then onward to 13-15 Aquarius
June 30, 2010 Moon transits 20-21 Aquarius, 24 Aquarius, 28 Aquarius-0 Pisces
July 1, 2010 ****Moon transits 10-15 Pisces
July 2, 2010 ****Moon transits 15 Pisces-18 Pisces (( Moon Wobble later in the day))
July 3, 2010****Moon transits 28 Pisces-6 Aries (((Moon Wobble on this day!!!)))
July 4, 2010****Moon transits 11-12 Aries
July 6, 2010 Moon transits 6-11 Taurus
July 7, 2010 Moon transits 16 Taurus, 26 Taurus
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