Life sure has a way of interfering with my plans. I had hoped to go over the main charts for California before now, but unfortunately my sweet cat, Beetroot (pictured), has had an extended stay in the Bay Hill Cat Hospital this past week so everything got put on hold. She's doing much better and graduated from the mere $1000 hairball to the $3000 mother of all hairballs. She's not even a longhaired cat! Alas, my delay in going over the charts....
So let's jump in starting with the California chart. There was a 3.0 quake SE of San Francisco this morning very close to the San Andreas fault.
Taking a look at the transits for the Radical CA chart, we have transiting Venus activating an eclipse degree is in opposition to Radical Lilith near the cusp of the 4th house and squaring the Radical AC and Moon. * Eclipse stimulation, 4th house cusp and angular stimulation are all active players in earthquakes. The Transiting Node is squaring Radical Mars and Mercury. Transiting Mercury is conjunct the Radical Vertex and Comet McNaught 2009 R1 square to the Radical Sun at 16 Virgo. Transiting Mars is opposite the Radical Neptune in the 4th house. The outer transiting planets of Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto are adding to the stress of Radical Jupiter at 29 Virgo (an eclipse degree). At the time of the quake, the Transiting Moon set off the Radical Mercury (separating) in opposition to Radical Saturn (applying). While this is a minor quake, it's worth noting because of it's proximity to the San Andreas fault. In the coming weeks, the Sun will be moving into position to set off the oppositions in Aries-Libra along with the Transiting Node in Capricorn. It may be a couple of weeks before then, but it's time to wake up as California's main fault is starting to look to do the same.
One of California's worst quakes on the San Andreas fault is the 1857 Ft. Tejon quake.

Here is the Capricorn Ingress chart for 1856.

The Astrolocality map for the Capricorn Ingress of 1856 shows a Node IC line passing through the area effected by the quake thus highlighting the region as a potential trouble spot before the actual date.

With the upcoming eclipse season, once again we have a few eclipses and many planets in Cardinal signs. The transits to eclipse degrees of the last few years is upon us in the next few weeks. Although the Cancer Ingress chart of 2010 doesn't have any lines passing through California, the date of the Comet McNaught 2009 R1's perihelion does. Will something happen? Perhaps...
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