Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Moon Wobble Reminder for September 30, 2010

In a posting from September 10, 2010, I stated the possibility for seismic activity would be elevated during the time of the Moon Wobble.  Southern California has been under considerable transit activation for the entire month, but the addition of the Moon Wobble on September 30, 2010 increases the chance for activity.

However, the point of this blog is to look at and forecast seismic activity in California. This New Moon period has the potential to not only set off  explosions, but quakes too, as a Moon Wobble takes place at the end of September.


The Transiting Sun will be square to the Transiting Node at 7 Libra and Capricorn and the Transiting Sun will conjunct the Radical Venus. This Moon Wobble is also accompanied by the Transiting Saturn at 7 Libra. It is quite probable that there will be some moderate seismic activity in California around the time of this Moon Wobble as it activates Radical Venus and takes place in the Progressed 4th house of the Los Angeles chart. Transiting Mercury will be in the eclipse degree of 24 Virgo, Transiting Uranus will be in the eclipse degree of 28 Pisces, Saros Series 9NN. Transiting Mars will square the Progressed Pluto and Progressed Moon as will Transiting Venus.

Possible times for a quake to hit are when the Transiting Moon conjuncts Progressed Uranus at 29 Gemini ,but more likely when the Transiting Moon plugs into the Moon Wobble effect at 7** Cancer. Also likely times are when the Moon transits Radical Uranus at 2 Cancer, opposes the eclipse degree of 4 Capricorn and the Progressed Ascendant * quite likely, conjuncts eclipse degree of 10 Cancer, 15-17 Cancer in opposition to the Radical Mars or later when the Transiting Moon hits upon the eclipse degrees of 25-29 Cancer affecting the Radical IC/MC axis.
One possible time scenario for quake activity in California is in the morning hours of September 30, 2010.  Here is a corresponding chart.  Please keep in mind this is only a speculative guess, but the time chosen is based upon the Moon's transit hitting the Progressed Uranus of the Los Angeles Chart.
Example: 6:15 am - September 30, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Still watching..

Although, the time period for the watch period of quake danger in Southern California has expired, I am still watching because the Transiting Moon is currently making it's way through Aries and transiting to conjoin the Progressed Node at 16 Aries, square to the Radical eclipsed Mars at 17 Capricorn, and square to the July 11, 2010 solar eclipse before it squares the Radical IC/MC Los Angeles axis.  Stay alert, but calm....
Times to watch:
4:52 PDT on September 24, 2010 when Transit Saturn squares the node and the eclipse degree of 21 Aquarius/Leo is on the AC/DC axis with the Transiting Moon square to the eclipse degree of 19 Cancer?

September 25, 2010  I may not have extended my forecast out long enough to incorporate the Transiting Moon to square the Radical IC/MC axis of the LA chart at 29 Cancer/Capricorn.  Today the Transiting Sun squares the Radical eclipsed Uranus in the LA chart at 2 Cancer while it also squares Transiting Pluto at 2 Capricorn.  In addition, Transiting Mercury is headed toward an exact conjunction with the Progressed IC angle of the LA chart.  So, until this passes, it's still watch time for seismic activity in Southern California/Baja. Then in a few days the Transiting Sun will square the Progressed AC angle of the LA chart and on September 30, 2010 the Moon Wobble is in effect as the Sun and Saturn transits to an exact square to the Transiting Node.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chart to Watch--Japan

I thought I would post another chart to watch that has the potential for seismic activity during this month--Japan.  Japan's Radical Uranus was eclipsed on December 31, 2009 exact making this degree quite sensitive to transits. However, it is important to watch not only this degree, but the transits of this planet as well.  Currently, Transiting Uranus is conjunct with Jupiter at 28 Pisces, an eclipse degree, and is square to the Radical Moon at 28 Gemini.  This evening and tomorrow, the Transiting Sun will form an exact t-square between Transiting Uranus, Jupiter, and the Radical Moon.  The Progressed Moon has moved opposite the eclipse degree of 13-14 Aquarius and the Progressed Sun and Venus are opposite the eclipse degree of 4-5 Capricorn and are trine to Transiting Mars.  And there is more, The Radical Node at 27 Aquarius is receiving stimualtion from Transiting Neptune and Chiron that makes this chart important to watch because the Transiting Node at 8 Capricorn is square to the Progressed Saturn at 8 Libra repeating a theme in the overall pattern.  In the next few days, it will be of interest to watch as the Transiting Moon hits 27 Aquarius in conjunction with the Radical Node and moves forward to conjoin the Progressed AC at 8-9 Pisces, oppose the Progressed Vertex at 20 Virgo and finally moves into Aries where the Transiting Moon will square the Radical AC at 0 Capricorn.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Addendum to A Concern for Southern California

I would like to add to the forecast about seismic activity in California in September 2010.  As forecasted in my previous posting, a 5.0 quake did occur in the Southern California region just south of the border on September 14, 2010 at 3:52 AM PDT.  The quake occurred when the Transiting Moon at 12 Sagittarius squared the Radical Sun of the Los Angeles chart at 12 Virgo.  This was right within the time frame I laid out as a possible time for a quake to hit.  The quake was actually a stronger aftershock to the Easter 7.2 Baja Quake of 2010.

However, this month of September 2010 looks to be an active one for California, at least Southern California.  In addition to the September 13-16th time band, there are two other time bands that pose a danger.  I have written an earlier posting on the September 29-early October Moon Wobble time band as a time for seismic activity but there is another coming up in a week.  September 20-23, 2010 is another danger period for Southern California as the transits to Los Angeles chart will activate the progressed aspects.  I believe it is in this time period the potential for a stronger quake is heightened.  So let's take a look--

On September 20 and 21, 2010, the Transiting Sun at 28 Virgo moves into exact square with the Progressed Jupiter and opposes Transiting Jupiter in the eclipse degree of 28 Pisces in the late evening on the 20th and early morning hourson the 21st.  It is also on this day, the 21st, that Jupiter is at perigee with Earth making it's closest approach in a decade.  It is Jupiter in the Radical Los Angeles chart that the Progressed Vertex is conjunct, so all action points to Jupiter in the next week.  Having Jupiter in the lunar eclipse degree of Saros Series 9NN*, is quite unsettling as it is this eclipse described by Celeste Teal as having a connection with explosions and earthquakes. Transiting Jupiter is also in conjunction with Transiting Uranus adding to the potential for explosive shocks. 
Mercury will be transiting square to the Radical Vertex at 10 Gemini and squares the Progressed Mars at 11 Gemini.  Once again, the Vertex is quite active.  We now have the Radical Vertex receiving a square and the Progressed Vertex conjunct Radical Jupiter with the Solar Arc Vertex (not shown) conjunct with the Radical IC emphasizing a potential predestined event.  It does not help the situation, to have the Transiting Venus square to the Progressed Pluto at 8 Aquarius and Transiting Mars square to the Radical 4th house Pluto at 4 Aquarius.  Radical Pluto was eclipsed within orb by the January 26, 2009 Solar Eclipse.  Transiting Saturn will be conjunct with the Progressed 4th house Neptune at 6 Libra and opposes the Progressed Mercury at 5 Aries and squares the Transiting Node at 8 Capricorn.
As for the outer planets, the t-square remains in effect only now both Transiting Uranus and Jupiter are exactly square to Progressed Jupiter at 28 Sagittarius and both are in the Solar Eclipse degree of 28 Pisces, Saros Series 9NN*, the physically expressive series.

So if we look at the Transiting Moon, the morning hours of September 21st have the Moon in Pisces.
Time periods for a potential quake are as follows:

September 20-23

  • Moon transits 5 Pisces in conjunction with the lunar eclipse of August 28, 2007
  • Moon transits 10-13 Pisces in opposition to Transiting Mercury at 10 Virgo, square to the Radical Vertex at 10 Gemini, square to Progressed Mars at 11 Gemini, opposite to Radical Sun at 12 Virgo, and square to Radical Saturn at 13 Sagittarius and opposite the lunar eclipse of March 3, 2007 at 13 Virgo ++ quite likely
  • Moon transits to the lunar eclipse degree of 15 Pisces and conjuncts the Progressed MC at 16 Pisces
  • Moon transits opposite the solar eclipse of 18 Virgo
  • Moon transits to 24 Pisces conjunct the Progressed Venus and opposite the lunar eclipse at 24 Virgo
  • Moon transits 28-29 Pisces to conjunct Transiting Jupiter and Uranus, oppose the Transiting Sun at 28 Virgo, and square the Progressed Jupiter involved in a Progressed Grand Cross ++ also quite likely
  • Moon transits to 1-4 square to the Progressed Saturn at 1 Capricorn, square to Radical Uranus at 2 Cancer, conjunct the Radical Moon at 3 Aries, and square to the Progressed AC at 4 Cancer
The Aries New Moon takes place on September 23, 2010 at 2:18am PDT and the Autumnal Equinox takes place on September 22, 2010 making this time band is an active one.

It's the time to be vigilant and keep your eye on Jupiter as September 21st draws closer. 
* According to astrologer and author Bernadette Brady

Monday, September 13, 2010

A concern for Southern California

There is a concern for Southern California I've been mulling over for the last couple of weeks, but have been unsure whether or not to express it.  Alas, here it is. It involves the Los Angeles chart from now into early October.  In addition to the Moon Wobble effect taking place at the end of September, there is a concern involving the time span over the next few days because of the transit stimulation to eclipse degrees and positions in the Los Angeles chart and the experimental San Andreas chart.  Let's take a look.
In the next few days, the transits of Jupiter and Uranus will once again be square to the Progressed Jupiter and Saturn and Uranus across the AC/DC axis.  Both Transiting Jupiter and Uranus will be stimulating the eclipse degrees of 29 Virgo and 28 Pisces but now Transiting Saturn is added into the mix stimulating the Progressed 4th house Neptune which puts enormous strain on this chart.  In addition, Transiting Mars will be in opposition to Progressed Sun and Transiting Venus feeds energy into the Progressed AC, squares the Radical 4th house Pluto at 4 Aquarius while stimulating the lunar eclipse degrees of 5 Taurus and 4 Scorpio form 2004 and 2005. Radical Pluto was eclipsed in 2009 from the Solar eclipse of January 26th.  Yet, there is more...

Transiting Neptune and Chiron have retrograded back to 26-27 Aquarius and oppose Radical Mercury at 27 Leo.  The Transiting Sun has entered the Progressed 4th house, and will stimulate the eclipse degrees of  22-24 Virgo.  Yet, it is the Progressed Vertex at 21 Scorpio that has formed an exact conjunction with the Radical Jupiter that concerns me the most as the Transiting Sun will sextile this position in the next or two and will be in conjunction with the malefic fixed star Denebola.  (In addition, the Solar Arc Vertex in the LA chart has finally become exact with the 4th house cusp at 29 Capricorn in opposition to the eclipsed Radical MC at 29 Cancer.)  The Vertex is a point that has much to do with appointments of destiny.  In my research, I have found it to be quite active in the charts of earthquakes.

With all of this activity going on the potential for seismic activity is heightened.  To pinpoint a time for a potential  quake, we have look to the Transiting Moon now that other planetary transits are in place.   Some of those times follows:

September 13-16
  • Moon transiting opposite Radical Vertex at 10 Gemini
  • Moon transiting in conjunction with Radical Saturn at 13 Sagittarius squaring the Radical Sun at 12 Virgo and stimulating the March 3, 2007 lunar eclipse
  • Moon transiting 28-29 Sagittarius stimulating the eclipses of March 19, 2007 and September 22, 2006 at 28-29 Pisces/Virgo, Saros 9NN* and 8S* ( dealing with physical expression and loss) and the Progressed Aspects of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.+++ a good candidate
  • Moon transiting the Progressed AC/DC in the lunar eclipse degree of 4 Capricorn....another good candidate
  • Moon transiting in conjunction with the Transiting Node at 8-9 Capricorn.
  • Moon transiting in conjunction with the Radical Mars at 17 Capricorn and opposite the eclipse degree of 19 Cancer  
  • Moon transiting the eclipse degrees of 25-26 Capricorn squaring the Radical AC and Node at 26 Libra
  • Moon transiting opposite the eclipse degree of 29 Cancer in conjunction with the Radical IC.
Note as well, the Moon reaches it maximum south declination peak during this period and Pluto turns direct on September 14, 2010 at 6:07 PDT and opposes Radical Uranus at 2 Cancer.

There is one more chart I am currently testing and that's the experimental San Andreas Chart.  Since the chart is set for noon, time unknown, I cannot use the angles or points in the chart, but the Radical Sun in this chart is at 8 Cancer, currently conjunct with the Transiting South Node. Then there is the Transiting Saturn stimulating the Radical Node at 5 Aries.  Right now, it's a wait to see if there will be any activity on the fault line to know whether or not this chart can be used.  The lunar eclipse of December 31, 2009 hit within orb of the Radical Sun in this chart but whether or not it is actually close enough to have an effect is another thing.  As this chart stands currently, the only eclipses to touch on planets are the upcoming solar eclipse of July 1, 2011 at 9 Cancer when Saturn will be transiting square to the lunar eclipse of 10 Cancer and the lunar eclipse of December 10, 2011 touching Radical Jupiter within a 1 to 2 degree orb. I'll be watching to see what happens.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Moon Wobble Affecting the Los Angeles Chart

Yesterday, September 9, 2010 was California's birthday and went out with a bang!  In a previous posting, I noted a very dangerous set up for the California due for some seismic event or otherwise.  Turns out, it was a massive gas line explosion in San Bruno, California overnight.  The transits for the event match up very well with the Radical and Progressed Chart of California. Also, the New Moon astrolocality chart has a Mars IC line going through San Francisco showing signs of trouble. Once again, things happen when planets line up in the eclipse degrees affecting the charts of nations and states.  Here's a look at the Radical California Chart for yesterday's event. The explosion happened when the Transiting Moon hit 10 Libra activating the Radical Mars/Mercury opposition to Radical Saturn, conjunct the Progressed Venus and squaring the lunar eclipse degree of 10 Cancer and the Transiting Node at 9 Capricorn.

However, the point of this blog is to look at and forecast seismic activity in California.  This New Moon period has the potential to not only set off explosions, but quakes too, as a Moon Wobble takes place at the end of September.

The Transiting Sun will be square to the Transiting Node at 7 Libra and Capricorn and the Transiting Sun will conjunct the Radical Venus.  This Moon Wobble is also accompanied by the Transiting Saturn at 7 Libra.  It is quite probable that there will be some moderate seismic activity in California around the time of this Moon Wobble as it activates Radical Venus and takes place in the Progressed 4th house of the Los Angeles chart.  Transiting Mercury will be in the eclipse degree of 24 Virgo, Transiting Uranus will be in the eclipse degree of 28 Pisces, Saros Series 9NN. Transiting Mars will square the Progressed Pluto and Progressed Moon as will Transiting Venus. 

Possible times for a quake to hit are when the Transiting Moon conjuncts Progressed Uranus but more likely when the Transiting Moon plugs into the Moon Wobble effect at 7** Cancer.  Also likely times are when the Moon transits Radical Uranus at 2 Cancer, opposes the eclipse degree of 4 Capricorn and the Progressed Ascendant * quite likely, conjuncts eclipse degree of 10 Cancer, 15-17 Cancer in opposition to the Radical Mars or later when the Transiting Moon hits upon the eclipse degrees of 25-29 Cancer affecting the Radical IC/MC axis.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The 7.2 Easter Baja Quake Analysis

At last, the promised analysis of the 7.2 Easter Baja Quake is ready.  It's been quite a wait, I know, but I am putting it up now.  One of the issues involving the analysis of this quake was choosing between the Mexico national chart or the California chart.  I decided to use the California chart as Baja is known as Baja CALIFORNIA. If the quake had struck south of the border where it connects the main body of Mexico, it would be different.  So, with this in mind, let's start with the California Chart. One of the  first things I check in any chart for events are the eclipses that have touch on important placements in the last few years.  This chart had an eclipse to Radical Lilith on January 26, 2009, Solar eclipse, associated Saros Series11N*.  The Radical Node at 14 Leo was opposite the lunar eclipse of August 6, 2009.  In 2005, Radical Saturn received a direct hit on Radical Saturn, from the solar eclipse of April 8th. Finally, the Radical Neptune was eclipsed on August 28, 2007, a direct hit.  These are all going to be sensitive points to watch and the transits of these planets become important as well as they move around the chart making aspects to radical and progressed positions and even to other transiting planets.  Eclipses make things happen when planets make contact with them. In this case, the transits of the Node, Lilith, and Saturn are to be watched carefully.

The 7.2 quake hit near Mexicali, just south of the border in Baja California on April 4, 2010.  The quake took place during the time of a Moon Wobble, when the Sun and Node form a 90 degree, a.k.a. a square aspect to one another.  A very good article to read about this phenomena is on Rob Tillet's website http://www.astrologycom.com/moonwobble.html   However, a moon wobble alone won't tell us why a quake happened in a particular region.  For that information, we have to examine the charts of places.  In examination of this chart, we can see Transit Saturn forming a conjunction with Radical Jupiter in a 0 Cardinal degree and making a hard adjustment to Transiting Chiron.  The Transiting Moon is seen in this chart to be forming a trine with Radical Saturn but at the actual time of the quake it was at 28 Sagittarius thus forming a trine to Radical Pluto and Uranus but squaring the Radical Jupiter and Transiting Saturn.  The Transiting Moon acts as the hour timer in event charts, especially quake charts!  In this case, it was forming aspects to Radical and Progressed planets and squaring the Solar Eclipse of March 19, 2007, Saros Series 9NN*, the physically expressive series implicated a number of California quakes. Transiting Pluto is making easy aspects to the AC/DC axis, Radical Neptune, and transiting Venus, but not all easy aspects are necessarily good.  Pluto's energy can be excessive, destructive as well as transforming. In this case, Pluto's destructive, yet transforming energy is feeding into the Radical trine between the AC at 5 Scorpio and the 4th house Radical Neptune at 5 Pisces (an eclipsed planet and degree) when the Transiting Venus and Mercury are activating the opposition between Radical Pluto, Radical Uranus on the DC and the Radical Moon and Venus on the AC increasing the stress dramatically.  In addition to all of this, it didn't help that Transiting Venus was in opposition to the Lunar Eclipse of April 24, 2005! 
The Transiting Node is forming a trine aspect to the Radical Sun at 16 Virgo and is conjunct with the eclipse degree of 15 Capricorn from the July 7, 2009 Lunar Eclipse, Saros Series 11S*.  Bernadette Brady describes this 11S series as a need to make sudden changes, with any blockages violently or tragically removed.  As stated above, the Moon Wobble was in effect during this time of this quake but even more interesting, is another recent finding when I began reviewing all the major quakes and eruptions of 2010--in the 7.2 Easter Baja quake chart, the Vertex of that event was at 16 Capricorn, conjunct with the Transiting Node and the eclipse degree and square to the Transiting Sun and trine to the Radical Sun of the California chart.  Also the quake chart has the Part of Fortune at 16 Taurus trine to this configuration. A Grand Trine formed between the Radical Sun, the Quake Part of Fortune, the Transiting Node, and the Quake Vertex.  May it also be noted that 16 Taurus is an eclipse degree from November 9, 2003, Saros Series 5S*, associated with a peak experience as described by B. Brady.  It may have been a joyful experience for the earth to move and release some stress, but certainly not for the inhabitants living on her crust in that region.

Moving on, Transiting Lilith was at 20 Aquarius, within orb of opposition to the Lunar Eclipse of February 9, 2009 and trine to the Radical Vertex.  Transiting Neptune wasn't making any special aspect to the Radical CA chart but that changes when looking at the Progressed California chart as it forms an opposition to the Progressed Sun.  Transiting Jupiter made an opposition to the Radical Sun at 16 Virgo and was opposite the eclipse degree of 18 Virgo, Saros Series 9NS* and square to the Radical Vertex of the California chart. I am finding the Vertex to be very useful in terms of when events happen.  The Vertex represents a point of fatedness or destiny which we have no control over and it's always active in quake charts, either by transit stimulation, progression, or solar arc.  In this case, it's stimulated by transit to the Radical position in the California chart and square to an eclipse degree, by progression to the Radical Node then activated by transit stimulation, and in the actual quake chart.
Transiting Uranus, is within less than a 1 degree orb of the Solar Eclipse at 28 Pisces, Saros Series 9NN*.  This particular eclipse is implicated very strongly in the Oil Rig disaster in Gulf of Mexico off Louisiana in April 2010.  Celeste Teal gave an excellent description of this eclipse in her book on Eclipses.  She has associated this eclipse with wasted resources, fires and/or explosions, and with earthquakes which has proven to be the case!  With Uranus, the planet of shock and sudden events, on this degree, it couldn't be any more accurate.
The Transiting Sun was forming a Moon Wobble in conjunction with squaring the eclipse degree of 15 Capricorn on the date of the quake along with a conjunction to the Radical Saturn at 19 Aries and in opposition to the Progressed Vertex at 14 Libra.
Lastly, we have the Transiting Mars coming into opposition with the Radical Lilith ( the dark moon point associated with the shadow in natal astrology) previously eclipsed on January 26, 2009.  Transiting Mars is also square to Transiting Venus and Mercury, trine to Radical Chiron, but most importantly, in conjunction with the Progressed Node sitting in the Progressed 4th house.  I haven't found too much information on Lilith's effects in Mundane Astrology, but it seems to be pointing at behind the scenes, shadow issues and when stimulated by eclipse or progression, those shadow issues are brought into focus.  Some might say, it's a point of bad luck, but I think it's bad only if you choose to ignore it, then the issues associated Lilith's placing fester and erupt to the point where it cannot be ignored any longer.  Unfortunately, in terms of Lilith's mundane application in quake charts, it's not too good.  It's too easy to forget we live on a fragile crust.

 Here is the Progressed Chart of California on the date of the Easter Baja Quake.  I've already mentioned above some of the aspects that formed to set things off, but here's where you can actually see Transiting Mars making a conjunction with the Progressed Node in opposition to the Lunar Eclipse of January 26, 2009 from the 4th house dealing with weather/earth related events and squaring the Progressed Part of Fortune.  The AC/DC axis is receiving stimulation.  Progressed Venus has moved into opposition with the Lunar Eclipse degree of 10 Cancer.  Progressed Mars is in the eclipse degree of 6 Aquarius.  The Transiting Sun is opposing the Progressed Vertex, forming a t-square with it and the Node stimulating the Lunar Eclipse degree of 15 Capricorn.  Transiting Saturn is trine to progressed Mercury activating the progressed adverse t-square.  The Transiting Moon in this chart shows the Moon's position at midnight universal time squaring Transiting Jupiter and trine to progressed Saturn but the timing of the quake happened when the Transiting Moon made a trine to Progressed Pluto and the Progressed Moon forming a grand trine.  However, since the Transiting Moon was square to Transiting Uranus in the 28 Pisces Solar Eclipse, the result was Boom! Quake!
Finally, there is the Easter Baja Quake chart below.

And so there it is..Why here?  Because the charts tell us so.  The eclipses, transits, and positions in the California chart all combined together to set off the charges in the form of progressed aspects.  The Transiting Moon is the hand that presses down on the lever to set off the charges that were building up for years.
* refers to Bernadette Brady's book: Predictive Astrology, The Eagle and the Lark

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Something new discovered--and Review of 2010 Major Quakes

I've been reviewing the major quakes of 2010: Haiti, Chile, Baja, New Zealand, and the volcanic eruptions of Indonesia and Iceland and will start to post what I've found regarding the timing of these events over the next few weeks, including my earlier promise of posting information on the Easter Baja Quake.  I'm still working on charts, but I want to post a potential seismic danger period for Southern California extending through Sept 16, 2010. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Some thoughts about the days up to the New Moon in Virgo and Quakes

More than likely you've heard about the 7.0 Christchurch Earthquake in New Zealand.  This quake had me very curious about the connections of the chart of New Zealand and the timing of the quake to see what more I could learn to improve quake forecasting and make revisions to my work-in-progress model.

The New Zealand quake hit the south island of New Zealand at 4:35am local time when the Moon was transiting 5 Cancer.  Jamie Funk posted an article about this quake on his website at http://www.funkastrology.co.uk/.  He points out at the time the quake hit the AC of the quake was at the same degree of the July11, 2010 quake and the tip of the eclipse path touches the northern tip of New Zealand.  I found this intriguing, but I wish to add more.  The August New Moon astrolocality chart shows a Uranus IC line very close to the southern island of New Zealand and yet there is more....

This nation's chart from Nick Campion's book of charts has the Sun at 26 Capricorn and was eclipsed on January 15, 2010.  As the chart is set for midnight, I cannot reliably use the angles of the chart but at the time of the quake, transiting Venus came into square with the eclipsed Sun at 26 Libra.  The Moon was transiting opposite the radical Mercury and Chiron with a 1 degree orb of the lunar eclipse of June 26, 2010 and squaring transiting Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto.  The transiting South Node was in the eclipse degree of 10 Cancer from the lunar eclipse of December 31, 2009.  The transiting Sun and Mercury were opposite the radical Neptune and transiting Lilith.  So once again, the eclipse degrees are shown to be very active in the charts of earthquakes.
This has got me thinking about the chart of Los Angeles once again as it is receiving a lot of transit stimulation to radical positions.  Let's take a look, shall we?

I've selected the date of September 8, 2010 for transits as this is when the transits of Mars and Venus hit radical positions in the LA chart.  The radical AC and South Node of this chart at 26 Libra is currently being transited by Venus square to the Solar eclipse of January 2010 but that eclipse did not hit any positions in this chart.  However, the Solar eclipse of July 21, 2009 did hit directly on the MC and is still an active sensitize point.  In previous years, the Sun at 12 Virgo was eclipsed on March 3, 2007 and is still active for another year or so according to Celeste Teal's book on Eclipses along with the other two eclipses at 18 Virgo, 15 Pisces, and 4-5 Pisces so these degrees are still sensitive to transit activation.  The Sun is currently transiting over the Radical Sun and will soon make it's way to conjunct the progressed IC at 16 Virgo and transit the eclipse degree of 18 Virgo when transiting Mars will move into transit square with the eclipse degree at 25 Capricorn and conjunct the Radical AC and South Node.  At the same time, transiting Venus will move into square with the eclipse degree of 29 Cancer.  Transiting Saturn squares the lunar eclipse of June 26, 2010 at 4 Libra which was visible in California and happens to square the AC/DC progressed
axis.  The transiting Node squares the radical Venus, the chart ruler for LA within a 2 degree orb.  So the potential exists for a quake to occur in this chart but what about the astrolocality chart?  The August New Moon chart in affect until the next New Moon on September 8, 2010 at 3:31 am PDT shows a Sun and Moon line passing through the Northern part of California up through Vancouver Canada.  It is possible but I cannot say with a degree of any certainty how probable it is as the Saturn and  Uranus ACG lines are more indicative of trouble in the regions they pass through.  If something is to occur, it i would be in the time frame of Sun transiting through the degrees of 12 Virgo through 18 Virgo when Venus, Mars, and Saturn make contact squares to the eclipse degrees and radical positions in the chart.  The Moon will be transiting the eclipse degree of 25 Capricorn/Cancer and 29 Cancer later today before it moves on to oppose radical and progressed Pluto and all the sensitive eclipse points in Leo/Aquarius, conjoin radical Mercury and then transit through the eclipse degrees of 1 Virgo, 4/5 Pisces/Virgo, and 12/13 Virgo before the Virgo New Moon.