Sunday, November 28, 2010

Danger of a Serious Quake Late November-Early December 2010 for Southern California and Baja California

This is a notice about the potential for a quake affecting the Southern California region in the next several days.  With the upcoming eclipse of December 21, 2010 taking place at 29 Gemini affecting the Progressed Uranus aspects in the Los Angles chart, it is likely the energy and affects of that eclipse are felt up to 6 weeks prior to the event.  Thus, a quake can take place prior to the eclipse.  The Baja region of California has been active all year with many aftershocks in the wake of the 7.2 Easter 2010 quake.  This region remains a threat as well as Southern California.

In the next few days, the transits of the Node, Pluto, Venus, Apollon, Saturn, Neptune, Chiron,and Mercury are stimulating sensitive areas in the Radical and Progressed Los Angeles chart.  So let's take a look.

The transiting South Node is conjunct with the Uranus and square to the  Moon opposition Neptune and Venus.  This transit activates the t-square ruling the houses connected to these planets.  Those houses are the AC angle, the 4th house, the 5th house, and the MC angle.  Transiting Pluto also activates the t-square by an exact square to Neptune.
Transiting Venus is square to the IC/MC axis at 29 Libra activating the eclipse of July 2009 that eclipsed these same angles.  Transiting Mercury will be stimulating the 29th degree of Sagittarius that activates the upcoming eclipse of December 21, 2010 and opposes the Progressed Uranus of the LA chart (not shown here).  Transit Saturn is square to Mars at 17 Capricorn which was eclipsed in July of 2009.  Transiting Neptune and Chiron are stimulating Mercury at 27 Leo by opposition.  The Transiting Apollon is conjunct the South Node in the 1st amplyfing the affect of an event for the region.

The positions of Transiting Jupiter, Lilith, and Mars can been seen to be stimulating positions in the Progressed Chart below.
It's in the Progressed LA chart where we can see Transiting Lilith conjunct with the Progressed MC angle, Transiting Jupiter activating the Progressed Venus grand cross aspects along with the Transiting Pluto at 4 Capricorn on the DC angle. In fact, the Transiting Pluto, Node, Mercury, and Mars are all stimulating the Progressed grand cross aspects.
In addition, Transiting Mars will be square to Transiting and Uranus, a combo associated with sudden explosive/violent events.

With all this stimulation, the likelihood of a strong quake is significantly elevated.  The possible times for a quake to occur are as follows:
When the Moon transits :

  • The degrees of 12 Virgo conjunct the Radical Sun
  • The eclipse degrees of 13-15 Virgo/Pisces,
  • 16-18  Virgo conjunct with the Progressed IC angle onward to the eclipse degree of 18 Virgo,
  • 23-24 Virgo in opposition of the Transiting Jupiter and Uranus and Progressed Mercury in the eclipse degree 24 Virgo 
  • When the Moon moves into the last 2 degrees of Virgo squaring the Progressed grand cross aspects of Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn  that are straddling the Progressed AC/DC angles and also being stimulated by the Transiting Mercury, Mars, Node. and Pluto.*** ( ***the most likely as the Moon is also square to the upcoming eclipse)
By November 30, 2010 the Moon will move into the sign of Libra and square the early cardinal degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, and Aries.  The Transiting Moon will square the Transiting Nodes and Transiting Pluto that are stimulating the Progressed AC/DC angles, the eclipse degree of 4-5 Capricorn from the June 2010 lunar eclipse, and the Radical t-square between Radical Venus, Neptune, Uranus, and the Moon.  So the time period for a potential quake to hit is spread out over the next several days into early December.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Lunar Eclipse of December 21, 2010 and Southern California

Eclipse season is just around the corner with only one month to go before lunar eclipse of December 21, 2010 takes place at 29 Gemini.  The eclipse takes place at 12:14 am PST in Los Angeles with the Winter Solstice taking place shortly thereafter.  It is the third of five full moons forming at the very last degree of a sign.  The 29th degree of any sign is known as the anaretic degree.  This degree is a bit unstable, considered to be weak as any planet or point in this degree is about to undergo change into the next sign.  Whenever an eclipse comes along to a planet in this degree it gets then energy wagging and will stimulate the positive and negative characteristics of the planet.  This is about to be the case for the December 21, 2010 eclipse touching Uranus in the Progressed LA chart at 29 Gemini.

The Progressed LA chart set for the date of the eclipse follows.

There are several transits to the eclipse degrees in this chart as well as the eclipse taking place on the Progressed Uranus.  The Grand Cross in this chart affecting Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, and Neptune become sensitized to upcoming transits thus having the potential to set things off.  In June, 2010 the Lunar Eclipse of 4-5 Capricorn hit on the Progressed DC/AC axis sensitizing this angle to upcoming transits of which is being transited by Pluto in a critical degree indicating stress and climax for these houses. Since the 1st and 7th houses are connected in adverse aspect to planets ruling the 4th and 10th houses (Mercury and Neptune), it's affecting all angles.  The Radical LA chart had the IC/ MC eclipsed exact by the Solar Eclipse of July 21, 2009 at 29 Cancer hitting directly on the MC.  The angles and degrees of these eclipses (29 Cancer and 29 Gemini, 4-5 Capricorn)are vulnerable to upcoming transits.  The transits to other previous eclipses are similarly affected.  On the date of the eclipse Mars is transiting the eclipse degree of 10 Cancer/Capricorn and Venus is stimulating the eclipse of 13-14 Aquarius by square.
The transit of Saturn at 16 Libra conjunct the South Node within 5 minutes of exact in the 4th house is rather disturbing especially after the 7.2 Easter Baja quake had the Sun transiting square to the Nodes. 

Yet there is more going on as evidence in the Radical LA chart (not shown).  The Transiting South Node is in conjunction with the Radical Uranus.  Uranus in conjunction with the South Node can bring about very sudden and uncertain incidents that tend to be of some disadvantage. Transiting Apollon, which I have recently discovered to be active in major events:including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc. is in conjunction with the Radical LA node at 26-27 Libra.  Apollon, a TransNeptunian Planet, is thought to rule most forms of expansion,  like Jupiter only more so.  It could be the expansion of luck, knowledge, the earth,  or magma, etc.  Having Apollon transit such a sensitive point in the LA chart adds to possibility of an important event affecting the city and it's inhabitants.  The nodes are thought to represent the cosmic forces showing karma at work.  The ancient astrologers used them to forecast eclipses, thus holding an important power in the chart. 

As for the eclipse itself, the path of eclipse is well placed for observers in North America, especially Southern California and Baja.  The link to the NASA eclipse website is below
It is believed that the path of the eclipse reveals where the greatest effects of the eclipse will be felt making this total lunar eclipse especially important for Southern California.

If we take a look at the astrocartography chart for this eclipse, we can see that California  has a Pluto and Nodal IC line crossing through and close by the city of Los Angeles. It's very likely that we can expect to hear news about this region for the next month.  With Pluto IC lines, there could be significant changes in the region where they pass through. A Mars IC line passes through Baja California up through Phoenix and Salt Lake City indicating there could be some trouble affecting these areas as well.
Overall, I think there is a very strong possibility for a serious earthquake affecting Southern California/ Baja in connection with this eclipse. The timing of an event is a bit more difficult as the Transiting Moon is stimulating a number of placements so close together, but the likelihood of an event is significantly increased in the days and hours surrounding the eclipse. It could be just a few hours after the eclipse on the morning of December 21, 2010 as the transiting Moon moves into exact conjunction with the transiting South Node and Pluto or up to a few days later as the Moon transits the eclipse of 29 Cancer, moving onward to oppose the Radical 4th house Pluto at 4 Aquarius or the Progressed Pluto at 8 Aquarius.

It's time to prepare. Above all--Relax (this is a forecast using an experimental technique,not an absolute), don't stress, but be ready just in case.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Potential Increase for Southern California

It's that time again when significant transits are made to positions in the LA chart, Radical and Progressed, that have the potential to increase seismic activity. In the next several days, especially on November 13 and 14, 2010, the Sun will transit to 21 Scorpio to conjunct  LA's Radical Jupiter and the current position of the Progressed Vertex ( a point of destiny).  This transit also squares the eclipse degree of 21 Leo from 2009.

Recently, I have discovered that TNP Apollon is very active in quake charts and lies at the heart of the current eruptions of Mount Merapi.  More on that in a later posting as I am still watching and waiting.

What concerns me with the LA chart and transiting Apollon is the Radical node of LA lives at 26-27 Libra where Apollon is currently transiting.  Apollon is believed to be connected with all forms of expansion and quite possibly the expansion of luck.  If one considers expansion from the perspective of the land especially around Southern California, then the expansion of movement of the land could be viewed as a lucky break to release a build up of tension. 

Anyway, there is the possibility during this time period and increase in seismic activity.  I'm unsure about a significant quake of 5.0 or greater because the lineup of the outer planets are not specifically stimulating the eclipse degrees.   There is a Pluto/Node conjunction that was exact on November 9, 2010 and shows up in the 5th house of the New Moon chart set for Washington D.C. pointing to some developments in matters relating to entertainment ( one possibility might concern Los Angeles as  it is the entertainment capital).  Let it also be noted that Venus and Jupiter turn direct on November 18, 2010.

As always, keep an eye out and have a plan just in case, but don't let anything stop you from going about your normal activities.