Saturday, July 31, 2010

August Update

July saw the last Saturn-Uranus exact opposition on July 26, 2010 , Jupiter turned retrograde, and the solar eclipse of July 11, 2010 at 19 Cancer.  It was a very busy month.  Mars entered Libra on July 29th plugging into the Cardinal Climax transits between Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto in early Cardinal degrees.  However, there is still more to go...

This week finds Mars in closer opposition with Jupiter on August 3, then the second Jupiter-Pluto waxing square unfolds and the start of Venus transiting the same Cardinal Climax planets (August 7-9). Nor does it end there, for the following two weeks will find the 20-year opposition of Jupiter and Saturn, followed by the 32-37-year waning square of Saturn and Pluto.

I would love to write more but my time is very limited from a hectic schedule. 
California is STILL on quake watch as the Sun transits the eclipses of 9-10 Leo/Aquarius hitting the Progressed LA Pluto and Moon, 13-14 Leo/Aquarius, and 17 Leo/Aquarius which is the exact degree the Super New Moon takes place and 21 Leo/Aquarius hitting the Radical San Francisco node.

I hope to have more of a detailed update when my schedule let's up.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Days are Upon Us for More Activity

The planets are once again moving into eclipse degrees and that means it's time to be on alert again for possible increased seismic activity. 
In a previous posting, I named a few dates and two of those dates are upon us-- 

July 21, 2010 and July 22, 2010 when the Sun is transiting the eclipse degree of 29 Cancer which is the Radical MC of the LA chart. Saturn makes her ingress into Libra where it will transit for the next 2 years.

However, in the next week or two, there are more dates to watch for seismic activity. 
Those dates are:

July 25, 2010, full moon when the Moon transits the activation eclipse degrees of 25-29 Capricorn  and also 2-8 Aquarius and the Sun moves into transiting square with the Progressed CA Ascendant
July 26, 2010 when the Sun comes into orb with the Progressed Pluto of the LA chart at 4 Aquarius and  squares the progressed CA Ascendant at 3 Taurus; Moon transiting eclipse degrees of 6 Aquarius, opposite the eclipse of 9-10 Leo, 13-14 Aquarius, 17 Aquarius; Venus will be transiting the eclipse point of 18 Virgo; and Mars will be transiting opposite the eclipse of 28 Pisces.

***These are also dates that could indicate the current tropical depression Bonnie to develop into a hurricane hitting the Gulf of Mexico spill area.

This week and next is action packed with powerful aspects, Ingresses, and stations taking place.
  • Jupiter turns retrograde on July 23, 2010 at 3:54 am PDT.  
  • Jupiter squares Pluto precisely on Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 4:33 pm PDT.
  • The final exact Saturn-Uranus opposition occurs on Monday, July 26, 2010 at 10:08 am PDT.
  • Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo, July 27, 2010 at 2:43 pm PDT.
  • Mars enters Libra on Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 4:47pm PDT and plugs into the Cardinal Crisis alignment.
  • Friday, July 30, 2010 is packed with activity as the Moon enters Aries at 1:42 pm PDT to conjoin transiting Uranus and oppose both transiting Mars and Saturn within hours.
This time period could be very active for seismic activity and really, all dates are implicated in some manner with all the planets lining up to make it the true climax of the Cardinal Crisis transits.

On July 29, 2010, the transiting Sun will conjunct the Progressed CA node in the 4th house opposite the Progressed Mars at 6 Aquarius ( the eclipse degree of January 26, 2009) that has the potential to set off the progressed aspects of Mars.  As the day progresses, Mars ingresses into Libra. Times for potential quake activity are:
when the Moon transits the eclipse degree of 15 Pisces-16 Pisces opposing the Radical Sun of the CA chart and 18 Virgo-20 Virgo when the Moon transits the eclipse degree and opposes transiting Venus.

July 30, 2010 will be an interesting day to watch as the Sun passes over in opposition to eclipse degree of 6 Aquarius, but the transiting Moon comes to join the Cardinal Climax party at 0 Aries in the afternoon with transiting Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dates Update

Now that I've had a little more time to review the California Chart in depth with a few other quakes, I would like to update the forecast of dates for seismic activity in California.

***July 12, 2010 when the Moon transits the eclipse degree range of 27-29 Cancer square to Progressed Uranus and Pluto; Mercury will be conjunct the Progressed Node at 5 Leo opposite Progressed Mars which is conjunct the eclipse degree at 6 Aquarius; Venus will be in the eclipse degree of 2 Virgo conjunct the Progressed Moon; Mars will coming into square with Progressed Chiron.  As the Moon moves toward the conjunction with the Progressed Node at 5 Leo it opposes Progressed Mercury at 0 Aquarius first.  A high danger date for a quake.
*July 13, 2010 when the Moon transits the Radical Node of the CA chart at 14 Leo, the eclipse degree of 21-22 Leo, or 24-25 Leo  opposite the Progressed Lilith at 25 Aquarius conjunct the eclipse degree at 24 Aquarius

***July 14, 2010 when the Moon transits opposite the Progressed Sun at 27 Aquarius and transiting Neptune at 28 Aquarius.  Also, when the Moon transits through the eclipse degrees of 2 Virgo conjunct transiting Venus at 4 Virgo opposite the eclipse degree at 4-5 Pisces.  This is yet another time period is highly implicated as the transiting Sun is square to Progressed Jupiter; Mercury is in an eclipse degree at 9 Leo; Venus is opposite an eclipse degree at 4-5 Virgo; and Mars is conjunct with fixed star Denebola ,square to Progressed Chiron with the outer planets involved in the T-square,  and the node is conjunct Progressed Venus.

As we move toward the end of the month and into August, I will update as needed as we are still in the height of the Cardinal Climax transits.

Most recently, I was reviewing the Easter Baja 7.2 quake and will probably put it up on the blog shortly.  There has been quite a lot of astrological analysis on that quake already, but not necessarily with an eye on the California chart which I will show.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Recent Activity and the Owen's Valley Quake Chart

In the last day or two, the Lone Pine area in California has been touched by minor quake activity so I thought we might visit the chart of one of the great earthquakes in California's history, the Owen's Valley Quake of
1872.  The quake hit Lone Pine, California at 2:35 am stopping clocks and shaking residents out of their beds on March 26, 1872.  It was a magnitude 7.4 destroying some 50 odd homes and killed 27 people. The region wasn't heavily populated at the time or it could have been much worse. 

For more history on this quake, you can click on the link

This chart features a grand cross across the AC/DC axis in  cardinal signs, involving 11 planets and planetary bodies and points.  WOW!
Yet, this configuration alone doesn't tell us why until we look at the eclipses. 
  • On July 12, 1870 there was a lunar eclipse at 20 Capricorn--exact placement of Saturn opposite Jupiter square to Mercury exact and  Mars at 18 Aries which squares the two eclipse degrees of 20 Capricorn and a lunar eclipse at 16 Cancer of January 6, 1871.  Neptune and the Moon are also square to this same 20 Capricorn eclipse.
  • On June 28, 1870 a solar eclipse occurred at 7 Cancer--placement of fortuna square to the Sun
  • On January 17, 1870 a lunar eclipse at 27 Cancer --exact placement of Uranus
  • On August 29, 1867 a solar eclipse at 6 Virgo--opposite Venus
  • On November 11, 1863 a solar eclipse at 18 Scorpio--opposite the exact placement of Pluto
  • On August 18, 1868 a solar eclipse at 26 Leo--very close placement of the Vertex
  • On July 2, 1871 a lunar eclipse at 10 Capricorn--square to Chiron.
  • On January 6, 1871 a lunar eclipse at 16 Cancer--close to Lilith
  • And finally, one of the most important features, is the node.  The node at 13 Gemini is conjunct the lunar eclipse of December 6, 1862--Saros Series 9N--the physically expressive series according to Bernadette Brady.
  • The fourth house cusp at 15 Taurus is exactly square to solar eclipse of August 7, 1869. 
Every planetary body and point position is this quake chart is effected by the eclipse degrees  that combined to create one of California's great historical earthquakes.

I included the transits for the upcoming eclipse tomorrow in the diagram to show that this quake chart is going to receive a hit to Radical Saturn.  The recent minor quakes in this region are not really a coincidence considering the quakes of the 1860's and 1870's are in similar degrees we are currently experiencing. 

Now let's compare the transits of the quake on March 26, 1872 to the Progressed CA chart at the time of the quake.
What is immediately apparent are the transits to the progressed planet positions setting off the oppositions.  I've already listed above the transits of the planets but here is where the information is gleaned about the exact timing of the quake.

The quake occurred when the Moon transited exact to the Progressed CA Mercury at 22 Libra.

The Moon acts as the timer once the planets are in place.

So now, let's take a look at the Progressed Owen's Valley Quake to see what it reveals:

On January 15, 2010 a solar eclipse occurred eclipsing the progressed Mars by opposition.
The Progressed AC/DC axis  and Progressed Saturn are in an eclipse degree of 15 Cancer/Capricorn.
The Progressed Lilith is at an eclipse degree of 29 Cancer.
The Progressed 4th house cusp is in an eclipse degree of 29 Virgo where Saturn is currently transiting.
The Progressed Vertex is square to the transiting Lilith, Chiron and Mercury.
The Progressed Node is in an eclipse degree from the May 31, 2003 solar eclipse.

This is a chart to watch in the next couple of weeks as the transiting planets move into position. Will we see more activity as the Sun transits to the Progressed Mars or Progressed Lilith?  Perhaps...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tense Days Ahead--some dates and times

California, don't think you can relax after that 5.4 quake.....the danger persists as the Sun heads toward the solar eclipse degrees of 25 Cancer and 29 Cancer.  The eclipse of July 21, 2009 at 29 Cancer hit directly on the MC of the Radical LA chart.  The danger from another quake still looms with the upcoming solar eclipse on July 11, 2010 as it eclipses the Radical Mars of the LA chart by opposition and the Progressed IC of the CA chart.  The new eclipse is also conjunct with the fixed star Castor described in mundane astrology as a wicked influence.

Some dates and times to watch are listed.  Most likely spot for a quake to hit is the triangular region around the Salton Sea,  San Jacinto and Cajon Pass area.

July 9. 2010** when the Moon transits square to transiting Mars around 17-18 Gemini and the Sun transits square to the Progressed CA Saturn at 17 Aries.  *Perhaps when the Moon transits 21 Gemini in opposition to the Progressed CA Chiron at 21 Sagittarius is another potential time.  Comet McNaught 2009 R1 was at this point at the time of the Cancer Ingress which rules for the 3 month period from June 21, 2010.

July 10, 2010*** when the Moon transits to 28-29 Gemini, 0-11 Cancer   ***All Day Long***  The lineup of planets in all charts has many placements in early cardinal degrees, therefore impossible to select one in particular.  Venus will be transiting the IC of the San Francisco chart at 28-29 Leo; Mars will be transiting the eclipse point of 18 Virgo; Saturn will be transiting the eclipse point of 29 Virgo; Jupiter will transit square the Radical Moon of the LA chart, Progressed LA AC angle, Radical LA Neptune, and Radical Jupiter of the San Francisco chart....

July 11, 2010***when the Moon transits 17 Cancer and continues through to the eclipse degrees of 25 and 29 Cancer.  The Sun activates the Progressed IC angle of the CA chart, Venus transits an eclipse degree, Mars is in an eclipse degree, Saturn is in an eclipse degree, and Mercury will be conjunct with the Radical LA Pluto eclipsed in 2009.

July 12, 2010*** when the Moon transits the eclipse degree of 29 Cancer early in the morning and then continues to 4 Leo opposite the Radical Pluto of LA and 5 Leo to the Progressed Node of the CA chart sitting in the 4th house* opposite the eclipsed Progressed Mars at 6 Aquarius.

July 17, 2010  and July 18, 2010 when the Moon transits the degrees of 16-29 Libra as there are many outer planet activations in the CA, LA, and SF charts.  Not as many activations for the other inner planets though.

July 21, 2010*** when the Moon transits 13 Sagittarius conjunct the Radical Saturn of LA and square to the eclipse degree of 13 Virgo and the Radical Sun of the LA chart.  The Sun will be in the eclipse degree of 29 Cancer of last year's solar eclipse having eclipsed the Radical MC of the LA chart, Venus will be transiting the eclipse of 13 Virgo, Mercury will be transiting the eclipse degree of 21 Leo conjunct the Radical node of the SF chart.

July 22, 2010*** when the Moon transits the degrees of 21-24 Sagittarius. The Sun will be in the eclipse degree of 29 Cancer of last year's solar eclipse having eclipsed the Radical MC of the LA chart, Venus will be transiting the eclipse of 13 Virgo, Mercury will be transiting the eclipse degree of 21 Leo conjunct the Radical node of the SF chart.

It's difficult to post anything on the chart of the San Andreas fault as there are too many unknowns at this time and it's still in the testing phase. There are a few things to look at in this chart however.  The San Andreas fault chart does have Radical Saturn placed at 18 Libra and is square to this upcoming eclipse.  The Radical Node of this chart is at 5 Aries square to the last eclipse of June 26, 2010 at 4 Capricorn.  Will this chart prove useful?  It's anyone's guess at this point, but Beetroot, the quake predicting cat, and I are working on it.

The progressions are interesting as well.  The progressed chart I created based on the research I've done is below.  I selected the time of 12 noon on June 30, 1894, as the exact time is unknown therefore making the angles, moon, and points unreliable. Take a look.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

5.4 Quake in Southern California--predicted

Astroquake Zone has done it!!  Back in the March postings, Astroquake Zone was forecasting a 4.0+ quake in California on July 7, 2010 when the Transiting Moon reached 26 Taurus conjunct with fixed star Algol.  The actual quake occurred on July 7, 2010 at 4:53 pm when the Transiting Moon was at 25 Taurus.  Astroquake Zone not only forecast this event in March 2010 but came within one hour and 1 degree of exact timing!

Earthquake Details

This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.

Magnitude 5.4

Date-Time Wednesday, July 07, 2010 at 23:53:33 UTC

Wednesday, July 07, 2010 at 04:53:33 PM at epicenter

Location 33.420°N, 116.489°W

Depth 14 km (8.7 miles)


Distances 20 km (15 miles) NNW of Borrego Springs, California

40 km (25 miles) SW of Indio, California

45 km (30 miles) S of Palm Springs, California

730 km (455 miles) SE of SACRAMENTO, California

Location Uncertainty horizontal +/- 0.2 km (0.1 miles); depth +/- 0.4 km (0.2 miles)

Parameters Nph=144, Dmin=10 km, Rmss=0.27 sec, Gp= 18°,

M-type=regional moment magnitude (Mw), Version=6

Source California Integrated Seismic Net:


Event ID ci10736069