Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April's Quakes

With the recent onslaught of 7.0 quakes happening around the world, I thought I should give an update.  So far, every single quake that has occurred this year, follows the model I have laid out in previous posts.  All have had transiting squares involving the nodes in their charts, but what does this mean for California?  Summer is still the primary danger period for California, however, the transits at this time for Los Angeles, indicate caution.  Primarily, the next day or two represent a time to watch for the region.

April 16th has several important signatures that point to the potential for quake activity.  At this time, the Sun will be transiting square to an eclipse point and conjunct the natal nodes and the AC/DC axis.  Also, Mars will be opposing the 4th house Pluto conjunct an eclipse point. 

In addition, there will be a lot of stimulation to activation points by the transits of Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and the Node.  The most likely time for any quake activity to occur is when the Moon hits 20-21 Taurus i.e. 6 to 8 am on the 16th when the Moon opposes the progressed Vertex and hits an activation point.

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