Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Eclipse Season and Comet McNaught 2009, R1

The eclipse season is just around the corner and with that brings the possibility of increased seismic risk. 
The upcoming lunar eclipse of June 26, 2010 as I have stated before in early posts pose a real danger to California as the natal Uranus of the LA chart will be eclipsed in addition to the progressed AC/DC axis at 4 Cancer.

However, I would like to digress to mention what is currently happening in the northern sky.  Comet Mc Naught 2009 R1 is transversing the constellation of Perseus in Mid-June as it heads towards the Sun increasing in brightness.  On June 13th, the comet will be 3 degrees south of the fixed star Mirfak and will conjunct fixed star Capella within 1 degree and transiting Mercury at 20-21 Gemini on June 21, 2010, the date of the Cancer Ingress.  I found an excellent article by Jonathan Flanery on the astrological influence of comets.
In his article he notes in ancient times, comets were thought to be important portents of a malefic nature for events here on planet earth.  Their appearance coincided with disturbances in human affairs, animals, and the weather brought about by the rise of some agent. 

This particular comet is named for Robert McNaught of Australia's Siding Spring Observatory who spotted the object on an image taken last year on September 9th.  This comet originates from Oort cloud beyond the outerbounds of Pluto making it's first orbit in from that region.  No one can say for sure just how bright Comet Mc Naught will become but when it first spotted at 17th magnitude it has only increased in brightness as it makes its way toward the Sun.  Currently, the comet is at 5th magnitude (visible to the naked eye in dark skies) and could become as bright as the magnitude (2nd) stars in the Big Dipper.  The closest the comet will come to Earth occurs on June 15-16 at 1.13 AU's or approx. 100 million miles( not that close, an AU is the distance from the Earth to the Sun).

According to modern astrologers, comets act as messengers.  The comets that originate from the Oort Cloud, bring forth messages and decrees from the fixed stars.  The ancients believed that comets were important when they became visible to the unaided eye and were important portents of celestial power.  According to Mr. Flanery's article, the message a comet is not delivered until the comet makes its closest approach to the Sun wherein the message to be delivered becomes absorbed. Comet McNaught reaches this point (perihelion) on July 2, 2010.  This point is thus very sensitive as it is the message of the comet and when this point is transited by Mars or the Sun, changes begin in earnest according to the message brought by the comet.  Comets tend to signify changes and realignments in the areas of politics, finances, and trade sparked by a initial disruption to the system.  In Mr. Flanery's article, he states the effects of comets are first noticeable in the places and enterprises ruled by the sign of the comet's perihelion.  In this case, the perihelion of Comet McNaught 2009 R1 is in the sign of Cancer.  However, by the time it reaches perihelion, the comet will be so low in the sky that it's visibility will be next to nothing for those of us living in the northern hemisphere.

Given this background information, I've been thinking about what the message of Comet McNaught 2009 R1might be.  The date of perihelion for this comet is highlighted as it is also the degree of the lunar eclipse of December 31, 2009 at 10 Cancer and the Sun will be transiting this degree on July 2, 2010.  It's a double whammy.  Nasa puts the position of the comet at 15 Cancer, magnitude 4.6 on this datebut it could be much brighter.  This position is also opposite the  lunar eclipse of July 7, 2009.  Cancer holds rulership over bodies of water, coastlines, fish and sea creatures, Mother Nature ( the Cosmic Mother), the boating industry, real estate ( homes), municipal politics, the weather, and is the Sun sign of the United States.  According to Rex Bills' Rulership Book, it is suggested that Southern California is ruled by this sign. Clearly, there will likely be some new developments involving the BP disaster in the Gulf.  But what else?

Looking at the fixed stars as the comet passing by Earth, it traverses the constellation of Perseus June 10-June 16, just south of fixed star Mirfak on June 13th at a declination near +48.00, longitude at 2 Gemini and then conjoins the fixed star of Capella in the constellation Auriga, on the date of June 21, 2010 when the Sun enters 0 degrees Cancer.  This is important for the Cancer Ingress is the stage for astrological forecasting over the next 3 months. The fixed star Capella (+46.00 declination, longitude at 21-22 Gemini) has a Mercury-Mars nature according to Ptolemy and is the 6th largest star in the sky.  In general, the star is fortunate as it portends military honors.  However,  it may also portend earthquakes in a mundane chart.   The main unknown in all of this is how bright will the Comet McNaught 2009 R1 become and what date will it become visible to the naked eye by most observers.  If indeed, the comet is bright enough to see on June 13th, then perhaps the message of comet will be tied up with the associations of the constellation Perseus.  According to George Noonan, the constellation is indicative of events affecting large numbers of people, especially those events caused by major meteorological phenomena.  It's very difficult to say at this point as there is very limited knowledge and research on the astrological effects of comets, but it gives us something to think about.

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