Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Days are Upon Us for More Activity

The planets are once again moving into eclipse degrees and that means it's time to be on alert again for possible increased seismic activity. 
In a previous posting, I named a few dates and two of those dates are upon us-- 

July 21, 2010 and July 22, 2010 when the Sun is transiting the eclipse degree of 29 Cancer which is the Radical MC of the LA chart. Saturn makes her ingress into Libra where it will transit for the next 2 years.

However, in the next week or two, there are more dates to watch for seismic activity. 
Those dates are:

July 25, 2010, full moon when the Moon transits the activation eclipse degrees of 25-29 Capricorn  and also 2-8 Aquarius and the Sun moves into transiting square with the Progressed CA Ascendant
July 26, 2010 when the Sun comes into orb with the Progressed Pluto of the LA chart at 4 Aquarius and  squares the progressed CA Ascendant at 3 Taurus; Moon transiting eclipse degrees of 6 Aquarius, opposite the eclipse of 9-10 Leo, 13-14 Aquarius, 17 Aquarius; Venus will be transiting the eclipse point of 18 Virgo; and Mars will be transiting opposite the eclipse of 28 Pisces.

***These are also dates that could indicate the current tropical depression Bonnie to develop into a hurricane hitting the Gulf of Mexico spill area.

This week and next is action packed with powerful aspects, Ingresses, and stations taking place.
  • Jupiter turns retrograde on July 23, 2010 at 3:54 am PDT.  
  • Jupiter squares Pluto precisely on Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 4:33 pm PDT.
  • The final exact Saturn-Uranus opposition occurs on Monday, July 26, 2010 at 10:08 am PDT.
  • Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo, July 27, 2010 at 2:43 pm PDT.
  • Mars enters Libra on Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 4:47pm PDT and plugs into the Cardinal Crisis alignment.
  • Friday, July 30, 2010 is packed with activity as the Moon enters Aries at 1:42 pm PDT to conjoin transiting Uranus and oppose both transiting Mars and Saturn within hours.
This time period could be very active for seismic activity and really, all dates are implicated in some manner with all the planets lining up to make it the true climax of the Cardinal Crisis transits.

On July 29, 2010, the transiting Sun will conjunct the Progressed CA node in the 4th house opposite the Progressed Mars at 6 Aquarius ( the eclipse degree of January 26, 2009) that has the potential to set off the progressed aspects of Mars.  As the day progresses, Mars ingresses into Libra. Times for potential quake activity are:
when the Moon transits the eclipse degree of 15 Pisces-16 Pisces opposing the Radical Sun of the CA chart and 18 Virgo-20 Virgo when the Moon transits the eclipse degree and opposes transiting Venus.

July 30, 2010 will be an interesting day to watch as the Sun passes over in opposition to eclipse degree of 6 Aquarius, but the transiting Moon comes to join the Cardinal Climax party at 0 Aries in the afternoon with transiting Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Jupiter, and Pluto.

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