With my new updated chart, I would like to go over the Solar Eclipse for June 1, 2011 because it has significance for the San Andreas chart. The Solar Eclipse takes place at 5:02 pm EDT time at 11 Gemini. This will eclipse the Radical Pluto exact of the San Andreas chart possibly signaling a great change is due. One month later another Solar Eclipse at 9 Cancer eclipses the Radical Sun of this chart within 1 degree of exact.
So with the eclipses active in the chart, I'd like to note the following progressions in the San Andreas chart that will be in force.
One of the most notable progression is that of the Progressed Sun conjunct with the Radical Saturn at 0 Scorpio. In the Solar Eclipse chart for June 1, 2011 0 degrees Scorpio is rising, set for Washington D.C. ( head of nation, and place of publication for the San Andreas Chart). This is further aspected by the Eclipse Neptune at 0 Pisces. Progressed Saturn is trine with the Radical Sun at 8 Cancer. Yet it is the Progressed Node at 11 Pisces square with the Radical Pluto at 11 Gemini that is of most concern because it is this combination that will get stimulated directly on the same day from the eclipse. Other progressions that are exact are Progressed Ceres opposite the Radical Sun and Progressed Apollon at 16 Leo square to Radical Uranus at 16 Scorpio, inconjunct to Radical Neptune at 16 Gemini and square to the Eclipse chart Mars at 16 Taurus. There's an awful lot going on between the natal and progressed chart of the San Andreas Fault and the Solar Eclipse of June 1, 2011.
The Progressed Node squaring Radical Pluto also points to a challenging significant change.
The transits to the Radical San Andreas Chart are shown here. The Transiting North Node is trine to Radical Venus ruling the Ascendant and sextile to the Radical Moon at 23 Libra ( yet the timing of the chart is set for noon, so it's ???) The Transiting Saturn is square Radical Mercury and the Lunar Eclipse degree of 10 Cancer from December 31, 2010. Transiting Pluto at 6 Capricorn is conjunct with the IC angle ( again exact time is unknown). Transiting Neptune is trine to the Radical Saturn at 0 Scorpio. Transiting Chiron trine to the Radical MC ( yet again, exact time unknown). Transiting Uranus is square to the Radical Chiron. Transiting Jupiter is square to the Solar Eclipse of 29 Cancer and opposite the Radical Saturn at 0 Scorpio. ( note Transit Jupiter's position is squaring the Radical MC angle in the LA chart-not shown here) Transiting Mars is opposite the Radical Uranus coming into exact within the day of the eclipse. Transiting Venus is trine for Radical Fortuna ( however, the exact timing of the chart is unknown). Transiting Mercury is in the fixed star degree of Algol, a malefic influence but is not making an significant contact with chart. Transiting Neptune is trine to the Radical Saturn, yet another stimulation to this point. This is a big sticking point for this chart since the Progressed Sun is in the same degree as Radical Saturn and Progressed Saturn is trine to the Radical Sun a 8 Cancer soon to be eclipsed on July 1, 2011 along with Radical Mercury. The Transiting Pluto is sitting the 4th house conjunct the IC angle ( again, exact time of chart is unknown) and is forming a T square with the transits of Uranus and Saturn showing the potential for unexpected, great change and loss.
Finally, it's the connection the San Andreas, the eclipse and the Progressed LA chart that concerns me.
- The transits to Progressed San Andreas with connections to the LA chart are the
- Transiting Neptune trine Progressed Sun that is conjunct Radical San Andreas Saturn at 0 Scorpio.
- The Transiting Uranus inconjunct to Progressed San Andreas Mercury and conjunct the Radical LA Moon.
- The Transit Jupiter square to eclipse degree at 29 Aries and square to the Radical LA MC exact and conjunct fixed star Alrisha.
- The Transit Mars square the San Andreas Progressed Apollon at 16 Leo on June 2 and conjunct the LA Radical Fortuna at 17 Taurus on June 3.
- The Transit Venus trine Progressed San Andreas Moon at 21 Capricorn and Progressed San AndreasVenus at 21 Virgo opposite the Radical LA Jupiter at 21 Scorpio and Progressed LA Vertex at 21 Scorpio on June 2.
- The Transit Mercury conjunct the fixed star group known as the Pleiades at 29 Taurus on June 2 called the weeping sisters associated with sorrow and tragedy and also squares the LA radical Mercury at 27 Leo on June 1, 2011.
- The Transiting Sun and Transiting Moon ( the Solar Eclipse) eclipsing the Radical San Andreas Pluto square the Progressed San Andreas Node at 11 Pisces and conjunct the Progressed LA Mars at 11 Gemini, and square the LA Radical Sun at 12 Virgo.
- Although nothing is stimulating this point, it's worth noting the Progressed San Andreas Mars is conjunct the LA Radical AC at 26 Libra.
The Solar Eclipse of July 1, 2011 is also of concern for the San Andreas chart as the Radical Sun and Mercury at 8 and 9 Cancer are to be eclipsed as well. It could be an eventful summer.
Remember, the Super Full Moon is coming up on Saturday that will stimulate the December 21, 2011 Lunar Eclipse that squares the Progressed Jupiter at 28 Sagittarius in the Los Angeles chart and currently has the Transiting North Node passing over it. The Transiting Mercury will also be forming a trine with the Progressed Node at 16 Leo and Venus transiting square to the Progressed Vertex in exact conjunction with Radical Jupiter at 21 Scorpio. This Full Moon is a Moon Wobble. Last Easter there was a Moon Wobble in effect at 16 Aries Sun square to the transiting node at 16 Capricorn and produced the 7.2 Baja Quake. This Moon Wobble mirrored the Progressed LA Node at 16 Aries and Radical Mars at 17 Capricorn
aspect. Although, the Los Angeles chart hasn't been hit by the two recent eclipses, it doesn't hurt to be cautious and prepared.
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